4 | Good God |

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"it's so hot!!!!!!" Venus laid on her bed in a starfish position looking at the ceiling.
"let's do something..." i suggested.
"Like what?"
"Let's go to...like a music store..." that was like the only place of interest that was somewhat near our block, we could generally go anywhere we wanted but it was too hot to stay outside for longer than 5 minutes.

"I think I'm wearing odd socks today, my left foot feels different than my right."  Venus mumbled.
"That's something to always look out for...if my feet were feeling weird, I'd rip all of my hair out." I answered, we were close to our destination.
"Nice ass!" A voice behind us called.
"What the fuck?!" I screamed and turned around to see a kid our age, he was shorter than most people, he had black short hair, a tight black necklace with a black shirt and loads of bracelets, looking closer I could also tell he had stretched ears.

Venus was just staring at him, usually it's the other way around: she's the one screaming at people and I'm in the back looking at the scene.
"Who do you think you are short shirt?" I stood there with crossed arms. I could feel my face getting red, I mean he did have some cute eyes—Stockholm syndrome? Get yourself together (y/n).
"Girls don't worry, I mean it, you're both hot." He smirked.
"And don't worry, I mean it when I say you should stuff your mouth with shit and stop talking." I have to admit I was proud of that comeback.
With that we walked away, bad weather, bad people and bad day.
Venus just kept walking with me in silence, she could tell I was tense because of something.
"Don't worry about that midget, he's just bored and doesn't get any pussy." She giggled.
I laughed as well and we finally reached our destination.
"Good god, finally. Those were the longest 10 minutes of my life." I commented.
"I'll go look in the vinyl section, see you later (y/n)."

I could only search through the CD's as I didn't have a record player.
The stereo was playing some pleasant light music, the air was cool and refreshing and the lights were, in contrast, warm.
Every inch of the store, was covered in music, bookshelves filled with "how to" books regarding music, about half of them were filled with books with sheet music, from classical to metal, from jazz to punk.
When I first moved here, I told Gerard my main interest was music, his eyes light up and he made sure to show me this place, as a kid it seemed like a huge huge store, I never saw any kind of music store this big at my hometown. As I grew up it also grew up with me, its got a second room and a new small upstairs room.
I looked around but nothing caught my attention, after our encounter outside of the store, my day was kinda ruined, I swear if I hear or see another person do anything like that I'll beat them up.
I sat on a chair nearby and just waited for Venus to come back, as she promised.
By the corner of my eye, I saw Gerard.
My first instinct, of course, was to go talk to him, but...I just didn't.
He didn't notice me, but I saw him shuffling some CD's in his hands.
He had a very simple but comforting aura that surrounded him, it might just be because his my best friend, and I've known him for quite some time, but I know for a fact that many other people feel that way towards him. I've never seen him be violent towards anyone, I don't think he'd even be able to, he has a kind soul, a jar of glass that may break if you're not careful enough.
The problem with that, is that he also doesn't want that glass jar to break, getting it to move, even if a little, is already way too much, he doesn't open up to almost anyone, I don't think he has ever delved into any of his problems, not with me, not with Mikey, at least not that I know.

"Hey (y/n) I'm back." Venus snapped me out of my trance, I faced her with my body but did not dare to stop looking at him for a few seconds.
"Cool, what'd you get, show me." She handed me her hand picked vinyls.
"Ok I got, substance, new order, parklife, blur and bloody kisses, type O negative, that's my favorite I read about them on a magazine, listened to them on the radio, saw them on TV so I felt it was destiny, also the cover art is so cool, I love black and blue green-ish color palette, I think it's so cool, oh also the songs are probably longer than the dude outside the store's dick— I mean a song that's 1a minutes long?!-"
"It's ok Venus I understand yeah it's cool as fuck, you've just been rambling."
She has the goth-est music taste, apart from blur, but looks nothing like a goth. (I know it's a music sub genre blac blac blac blac)
She payed for her stuff, and I stood beside her.
I turned away and looked at the same spot where Gerard was standing a few minutes ago but didn't see him there. A part of me missed him for some reason, he lives like 5 minutes away from me but...
"Let's go." We got out of the store and the sun was setting, I'll never get tired of the sunsets here.
" Uhm (y/n), ca-can you wait here a sec."
"Yeah sure." I waited for her once again.
I didn't mind at all, it gave me a few minutes to just recharge my "social battery" and appreciate my surroundings.
Today it's a nice windy evening, not too hot, I could already see Venus, the star, and the moon was at its first phase.
She came back without a bag, as I was holding her vinyls.
"What did you need."
"Cigs, my mom caught me smoking and confiscated them..." I giggled.
"Bummer." I smirked.
"Shut up bitch." She was almost upset.
"You have to get sneakier Venus,"
"Yeah yeah whatever," she opened the package and offered me one, which I took.

In the distance I saw the short guy-man person, and a curly haired boy talking with him, he looked a bit older, maybe one or two years, or maybe he was the same age, he just looked taller.
They looked like a dad a scolding their child for eating candies.
The short one looked at us for a split second, and, as we were walking in his direction, I suggested crossing the road.
"Wait wait (y/n), I wanna hear what they're talking about."
We hid behind a wall, just to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Cmon man you can't just say those things Frank you're old enough to understand that." The taller one.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but she had the most scrumptdelicious ass I'd ever seen. I couldn't just ignore it and walk away." 
"You do have a nice ass V." I whispered to my friend.

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