3 | Apocalypse |

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"Fuck." I cursed under my breath as I fucked up the chord.
I was in Venus' room, we were playing bigmouth strikes again, by the smiths.
It's an objectively harder song, I mean the strumming pattern is different for every chord, it's fast ecc...

"Are you ok (y/n)?" She looked up at me.
Her eyes were tired and she was probably suffering the heat.
"What? Yeah."
"Bullshit. What's up?" She insisted and saw through my half lie.
It wasn't a full lie, there was something troubling me and running through my mind, I just couldn't put a point on what it was, and didn't want to talk about it right now.
She was still sitting behind her drum set and I was still standing up in the middle of the room.
"I don't know- Uhm let's take a break." I suggested and she nodded.

"You're very pretty today." I complimented her, just to change the subject- I still meant it, she is a gorgeous woman, tan skin and black silky smooth hair, a sharp nose and beautiful hazel eyes.
"Thank you (y/n), but don't try to change the subject." Her tone was serious but her face held a playful grin as she sat beside me on her bed.
"I think I do know what's up with you tho..." she looked away.
"What." I asked even if that definitely didn't sound like a question.
"I don't know if I should tell you..." she paused and looked at her messy floor. "You might get mad, you might even do the unthinkable and deny what I say." Sarcasm laced the words she spoke in that last sentence.
"Annoying bitch." I spat in her face and pretended to be mad.
"Oh well.... Guess I'll never tell you then..."
"Whatever," I paused and was about to let go of the topic. "let's make a deal," that grabbed her attention immediately.
She turned to face me, legs crossed and she got closer as if I was about to tell her the best gossip she would ever hear in her entire life.
"If what you're thinking right now is actually the truth, I'll get you something to drink, some of that shit that you like."
"Deal." We shook hands and she cheered.
"I'd love some of that strawberry vodka..." stars in her eyes as she imagined the bottle.
"Ooh maybe some Martini, yeah...yeah that'd be great."

Thankfully that break helped, as I played the song much better.
Still, what Venus said felt like an impossible puzzle.
By the way

The unknown figure got closer and extended his hand, which was covered by a white half glove. Kinda useless in my opinion, a glove should cover your hand and keep them warm or keep them from getting dirty— I then took his hand and let him lead me whenever.
He then brought me to the woods, the atmosphere was eerie, the trees were dark and glitter-like particles were flying in the cool air as cold colors painted our surroundings.
We got to the center and it was clear that some kind of ritual was going to happen, I wasn't scared, I believed that the man would protect me.
Dark figures surrounded me, that's when I noticed the man was still by my side, his indefinite face was looking at me, he grabbed both of my hands and started... dancing?
I went with it and followed his actions, the figures were getting closer by the second but I didn't really care, their dark faces didn't bother me, the man's arms made me feel safe.
At that point, the man opened his mouth and took a breath, as if he was about to speak.

Then I woke up.
What the fuck?
That was a very bad dream, one star out of five.

As I got ready for the day I thought about what Venus said.
Usually, most of the stuff that comes out of her mouth are stupid thoughts I don't pay any attention to, but that got me surprised.
I'm used to overthinking what others say, so that's nothing new, I guess?

"Good morning (y/n)," my mom "did you sleep well?" That caught me off guard, she doesn't usually act caring.
"Yeah I did..."I murmured, picking at the probably way too old cereal.
"Great, when you're done, could you go out and do the shopping? get the groceries..."
I sighed, honestly I don't want to at all, I hate doing the shopping.
"Why don't you ask Ethan?" she looked slightly irritated.
"Your brother is out."

I got ready and walked towards the door.
"Here's the list, (y/n)."
And the money."
"Have fun." She said sarcastically.
"Yeah bye." I lazily got out and started walking to the supermarket.
I made sure to bring my Walkman and headphones.
At this time of the day, because of the heat, the streets are less populated, it's nice. No noise, no one and most importantly no kids.

'Where are the eggs...' I scanned through the aisles in the supermarket but didn't find them.
'Whatever' I moved on and read watermelon, a smile crept up my face as that is one of my favorite fruits.
I made sure to get the best looking one, saturated colors and not many seeds. (One of those watermelon slices 🍉)

"Goodmorning Miss." A playful and familiar voice.
I turn around and see Gerard coming up to me.
"Hey! What's up?" I smile and giggle at the 'miss'.
"Not much. Getting the groceries."
"Same. I have this long ass list." I show him.
"I'll help you, I'm almost done too." He smiled and got closer.
We got most of the things I needed and time passed faster since he came up to me.
I've always been appreciative of his presence, I've always liked him.
We finally paid for our stuff and we were done.

When we got out of the store, Gerard got out some sunglasses and put them on.
"You look like my mom." I giggled, holding the heaviest bags ever.
"At what time did she come back yesterday night?"
"After I was with her the whole night I mean." He held a smug grin and I could tell he was waiting for the right moment to say that joke.
"That wasn't even funny!" I chuckled.
"You're laughing tho!"
"Omg Gerard! Look there!" I pointed somewhere random.
"What's there?"
"Those are all the fucks I give about what you think!" I used the same kind of childish joke.
he was laughing too.

I always loved these light moments, the warm air, the beautiful friendship between me and him.
The feeling I get when i make him laugh and the feeling I get when he says goodbye.
I will always appreciate them, him.

1115 words

Omg guys the new chapter is out 😱😱😱😱
Got some tickets to see arctic monkeys...don't call me basic🖕
I didn't want to go to a metal concert for my first one...I'm claustrophobic hihi

I'm claustrophobic hihi

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