Chapter 12

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"Get up."

Mistybreeze woke abruptly to a paw prodding her shoulder. She had been dreaming she was back in the nursery, playing with Coldkit and Bloodkit while Diamondrain watched them lovingly. She had purred and cuddled into her mother's soft warm fur. The dream felt bright and happy. But now, she had been forced back into a gloomy reality. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking up toward Revengeheart, though she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. You knew they were going to kill Diamondrain too. 

"We're going to meet with the others." Revengeheart glared down at her. Beyond his white body, the first light of dawn was appearing over the pines. 

Taking in her surroundings, Mistybreeze remembered she had been sitting vigil by Diamondrain's body in the camp clearing. But obviously she had fallen asleep. Guilt flooded over her. I'm supposed to stay awake the whole night! Can't I do anything right as a loyal warrior?

Lifting her head, she stared solemnly at Diamondrain. Her mother's body lay stiff, her soft fur ruffling gently in the breeze. Not far from her, Coldpebble was crouched, still awake, though his blue eyes were heavy with tiredness and grief. Beyond him, she saw that Crowmask was sitting at a far distance, staring at his former mate. She was surprised. Did he sit vigil all night? 

Not far from Diamondrain lay Brownstripe's body. His three daughters sat beside him, eyes dull with loss. With them sat Depthstar, and even Blackstorm. Mistybreeze felt sick to her stomach at the sight of the black tom pretending to grieve, when he himself had lured his brother to his death.

"Come on!" Revengeheart hissed impatiently, and Mistybreeze hauled herself to her paws. She had never felt so weak and emotionally exhausted. 

Just then, the Clan elders, Buzzardglare and Bluerain, emerged from their den. "It's time for their burial," Bluerain meowed quietly, her blue eyes soft with sympathy. "Would any of you like to come help?"

"I will." Depthstar slowly stood, looking away from his son's body. Creampaw stepped to his side with a tiny nod. Tinypaw and Honeypaw pressed their heads into Brownstripe's tabby pelt, saying goodbye for the last time. Beyond them, Blackstorm caught Revengeheart's eye, twitched his tail, and slipped away out of the camp. He'll be joining this meeting too.

Crowmask stepped forward. "I'll help bury Diamondrain." He hesitantly glanced at Coldpebble. "If that's okay."

As her brother slowly nodded, Mistybreeze took a step forward. "I'll-"

"Don't worry, you don't have to if you don't want to." Revengeheart's broad shoulder suddenly pressed against her, and she started. "Let's go for a walk in the forest," He suggested, his tone gentle with fake sympathy. "We'll get through this together."

Frustration burned beneath Mistybreeze's pelt. She wanted to tell him to go eat fox dung and let her stay to help bury her mother. But there was no arguing with him, especially when so many cats were around. "Fine." She muttered. 

Coldpebble was watching, his eyes narrowing. "You can stay if you want, Mistybreeze."

Revengeheart flashed the dark gray tom a glare. "She doesn't want to."

"How do you know what she wants?" Coldpebble lashed his tail.

Don't argue with him! Mistybreeze silently pleaded. I don't want to lose you too! She tried to look calmer as she met her brother's irritated gaze. "I'm alright," She meowed quietly. "A walk in the forest would be nice." She swallowed. "I'll say goodbye now." 

Taking a few pawsteps forward, she crouched and pressed her nose into Diamondrain's cold fur. The fur that had once warmed and comforted her in the nursery. "I'm so sorry..." She breathed. "I love you. I hope you're safe in StarClan." Taking in her mother's scent one last time, she backed away and raised her head.

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