Chapter 8

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Lightning crackled overhead, followed by the low rumble of thunder as the ShadowClan cats headed through the dark woods. Mistybreeze shivered, her drenched fur plastered to her thin body and darkened by heavy rain. Now and then she tried to move closer to Revengeheart for warmth, but a low growl rumbled in his throat whenever she did so. He just wants his space. She told herself, though she felt unsure.

Ahead of her, Mottledface and Foxshadow walked near Blackstorm, speaking excitedly, though their words were drowned out by the rain. Swiftstalker trailed behind Blackstorm.

Poisonedsap was in the lead, her ragged tail dragging in the mud behind her. She suddenly glared over her shoulder, amber eyes glinting in the night. "Keep up, you three!" She spat. "We have to get there and back before we're missed."

Mistybreeze glanced over her shoulder, squinting as rain pattered at her face. The three apprentices were lagging behind, especially Falconpaw, who dragged his paws in the mud. "I'm tired from battle training!" The orange tabby protested, twitching his ear as a raindrop struck it. "Where are we going, anyway? What is this army?"

His mother looked ahead and didn't respond. Mistybreeze too shared Falconpaw's curiosity. Deserve's Army? Why do I need to be introduced to them? Who are they? She looked aside at Revengeheart and hesitantly spoke. "Revengeheart? Where exactly are we going?"

The black legged warrior flicked his amber gaze to her. "Deserve's Army." He said as if it were a simple fact.

"I-I know, but-"

"You'll find out soon enough." A smile spread across his face. Though it should have been a comforting sign, it sent unease prickling her fur.

The ShadowClan cats continued moving through the trees as heavy rain battered around them. Mistybreeze grew more and more nervous as they ventured deeper into unfamiliar territory. We're so far from the forest now... 

Suddenly, Poisonedsap stopped, her tail swishing slowly. The other cats did so as well, studying their surroundings. Mistybreeze raised her chin and sniffed the air. Through the damp smell of the forest, she could pick up the scent of other cats. But it was not that of any clan she knew, or of a rogue or kittypet. This is a different scent...

The bushes rustled ahead of Poisonedsap, and Mistybreeze tensed, instinctively shifting closer to Revengeheart. Two cats slunk out of the undergrowth; one a young white pawed black tom, the other a ginger tabby she-cat.

"Poisonedsap," The tom grunted, twitching his black tail. "Good to see you."

The golden she-cat purred. "We have some cats to introduce to your father, Crow."

Crow's amber eyes flicked as he surveyed the others. Mistybreeze's heart pounded nervously as he caught her eye. "I can see that. We'll escort you to the camp." He jerked his head to his companion. "Sunset, follow us."

As Crow turned away and led the ShadowClan cats onward through the forest, Sunset took up the rear of the group, eyes narrowed. As they moved, Spiderpaw and Falconpaw cast a few nervous looks over their shoulders at the she-cat.

Mistybreeze's heartbeat quickened with unease as she followed the others through a small gap in a wall of bushes. The strange scent was stronger here. I guess I'm about to get some answers... As she emerged at the other side, her eyes widened.

She and the others had entered a clearing, very similar to a clan camp. There were cats everywhere, some sitting about in discussion, while others shared prey. I thought an army would be bigger... She relaxed a little. These cats seem just like a clan. Perhaps they're friends?

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