Chapter 17

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The sun was sinking in the sky. A cool breeze ruffled Mistybreeze's fur as she walked with the other Clan allies toward Deserve's camp. Revengeheart seemed extra frustrated since the attack on the apprentices yesterday had left Ebonypaw alive. 

"We failed with the medicine cats, too!" Revengeheart had hissed in frustration. "There's no more time for failure." He had gathered most of the Clan allies and insisted they go see Deserve tonight, to come up with a final plan. Only Poisonedsap remained at camp, nursing her kits.

The ShadowClan allies had been surprised and suspicious when Swiftstalker and Mistybreeze had awkwardly introduced Song as wanting to visit the army. Stripednose had insisted on coming with her too. The look of anger on Revengeheart's face had told Mistybreeze he wanted nothing more than to kill the white she-cat and her mate and get on with his day, but there was no time for covering up more murders, and his patience was dwindling. He had grunted allowing Song and Stripednose to come with them tonight.

Mistybreeze was flanked by Swiftstalker and Song as they neared Deserve's camp. The white she-cat looked uneasy as she scanned the cats around her. "Are all these cats... Really betraying the Clans?" She whispered, shaken.

"Yes." She murmured, unsure of what else to say. She didn't want Song to be any more involved than she already was. Her gaze flicked to her swollen belly. "Shouldn't you have stayed at camp? Your kits are due any time now..."

Song shook her head. "I'm fine," She assured her. "This is important." Her gaze clouded. "I thought I scented Deserve on some of the bodies before," She admitted. "But I hoped I was imagining it. I can't believe my brother has changed so much and brought so much death to the Clans."

"What will you say to him?" Swiftstalker asked quietly. Mistybreeze was just as curious.

Their Clanmate hesitated. "I'll talk to him. Despite everything, he is still my brother." Her blue eyes filled with determination. "If anyone can persuade him to change his ways, I can."

Mistybreeze exchanged a wary look with Swiftstalker. Did she really realize how terrible Deserve had become? What could she possibly say that could sway the bloodthirsty leader?

Stripednose padded closer to his mate. "If things start looking bad, I mean, worse than they already do, we're getting out of here," He meowed worriedly. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Deserve is still my brother." Song repeated. "I don't believe he'd hurt me." Though she sounded unsure.

As they entered Deserve's camp, Stripednose's fur bristled, ready to defend himself and his mate. Mistybreeze looked at Song nervously, hoping she had made the right decision by coming.

Revengeheart led the way and yowled. "Deserve! There are some cats here who want to speak with you."

As the Clan cats filed into the clearing, several soldiers cast them surprised looks. Mistybreeze and Swiftstalker moved toward the edge of the camp. She guessed her friend was feeling just as worried about Song being here. Revengeheart looked annoyed, clearly wanting Song to get her business with Deserve over with. Scanning the soldiers, she caught a glimpse of Bloodfur, staring at her and obviously surprised to see her.

Deserve emerged from his den. When he saw Song, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes lighting with surprise. "Song?"

The soldiers exchanged curious looks as Deserve padded toward his sister. As he neared, Stripednose dug his claws into the earth, his attention locked warily on the dark tom. Song met Deserve's gaze calmly.

"I haven't seen you since..." Deserve trailed off as he noticed her belly. "You're expecting kits." To Mistybreeze's amazement, warmth flickered in his eyes. "You're expecting kits. That's great! How's Boost?"

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