The Great Commission

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If you were raised in a Christian church, chances are you've heard this phrase. I'd like to share my two cents on it.

First off: The Great Commission is neither to us nor for us.

The commission is mentioned in the Gospels, not Paul's writings. Us, living in the Age of Grace, should follow Paul's writings. Matthew 28:16 and Mark 16:14 both specifically say that Jesus spoke to the eleven, meaning the disciples. He told the disciples to "go into all the earth." While we today can use that verse in application, it's incorrect to attempt to apply it to us doctrinally. (Meaning that yes, it's important to send missionaries out, but we shouldn't do it because of these verses.)

Second: It's impossible for us to follow the Great Commission.

How so? Simple: it's under the law. The Age of Grace doesn't come into play until Acts 9, when Paul gets saved. Jesus is crucified at the end of each of the Gospels, and then the first half of Acts shows the transition out of the law into grace, so by Acts 9, we can safely assume the Age of Grace has officially begun. If Paul is receiving revelation of the Age of Grace, why would he promote the law? Answer: he doesn't. The Great Commission, as it is traditionally understood, was written before Paul's writings. Before the Age of Grace was revealed. Jesus was telling the disciples what they would need to do if the Age of Grace didn't exist. But God ushered in the Mystery Program, the Age of Grace, putting the Kingdom Program and thus the law on pause.

All too often, I think we forget that the people in the Bible did not know the full story. Just as we can look at book and movie characters and complain about their actions, we tend to do the same to historical figures. However, we know how things play out because we have access to the script, so to speak. It would be like someone a hundred years from now judging me for not doing something, say learning how to drive, and then being hit with the consequences, like someone needing to go to the hospital but me being unable to drive so I suffer, and them calling me an idiot because I "should have seen it coming." The people back in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were unaware of Paul's writing because he had yet to write them. Jesus would not have told them about something meant for the Age of Grace as it had not been revealed to them.

Also, in Mark 16:17-18, it's talking about signs. The Jews are the ones who require a sign. We as Gentiles don't require a sign, so that should be another marker that tells us this passage is not for us. And, just speaking for myself here, I don't have the confidence to "take up serpents" and "drink any deadly thing" and trust that it won't hurt me. That is a supernatural gift that God does not give out in the Age of Grace.

For those who are wonder where this leaves the Great Commission, it will take place when the Kingdom Program starts back up again, after the rapture takes us out. It will go on during the 7-year period of Tribulation, because after that is when the Kingdom is established.

If anyone is confused I'd be happy to discuss further!

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