No Secret Sins

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This is the name of one of the episodes of a podcast called "Devotionals for the Busy." It called me out (though I'd already been acutely aware that God knew) and I want to be real and honest, so I decided I should talk about it.

It's something that seems fairly harmless, but I know that it's sinful and that while it might not be negatively affecting me now, it easily could down the road five, ten, fifteen, however many years. My flesh desires it because it feels good and pleasing, and yet I hate myself the entire time I'm doing it because I know that it displeases God.

I've put small-scale systems in place to attempt to "divert" or "cancel" the temptation, such as saying that every time I feel tempted I'll instead read my Bible, but none of it has worked. Partly because it's so pleasing to my flesh. My flesh has no motivation to give it up. Only my spirit does, and I've been in a battle between the two ever since I first fell into temptation with this sin.

Everyone has something they struggle with, and this is one area that I am struggling with hard. Just know that you're never alone; everyone has their own sin, and it's something we should all remember. Don't be afraid to ask for help dealing with yours, and don't be afraid to reach out to help those you see struggling, too.

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