1: the arrival

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"Steven! What was that?!" Pearl squawked, immediately looking for the 16-year-old teen after a crash brought her out of organizing her room and dash outside for the boy, but she stopped shortly after she saw him on the couch, looking startled at the loud noise as well. "I- I don't know, Pearl, let's go check it out," Steven said getting up from his seat and out of the temple to find out, Pearl following. 

The two looked at the large smoking item across the beach from them, Pearl looked conflicted, and Steven looked confused as they got closer to the thing. "Pearl, what's that?" Steven asked as he looked at the big steaming ship the more he moved closer. "Well it looks like a ship... one of the homeworlds missing ships," Pearl said as she paid more attention to the black ship, its outer design made it look like the exact ship that was stolen from the homeworld, Pearl was hit with a flashback to the past. 


"Pearl." Pink diamond said as she made it to her room after a meeting with the diamonds. "Yes, my diamond? Did your meeting go well?" Pearl said almost immediately after Pink spoke, doing the diamonds salute.

"Ugh, no, they still won't accept my request for a colony of my own, but anyway one of the ships had been taken, I can pull it up for you to inspect but we can't seem to track it down, so if you see this ship tell me immediately please."

Pink said to her pearl, pulling up one of her screens as she showed her how the ship looked like, silky black texture on the outside with a flat white line crossing the black with blue and yellow speckles around the white line.

"I will keep a look out my diamond," Pearl said a smile covering up the slight confusion lingering in the back of her mind. who would steal from a Diamond, no one good that's for sure, she convinced herself?


"Pearl? Pearl!" Pearl was shocked out of her Flashback with Steven jolting her out of it. "Come on Pearl there's a gem in here, we need to help them and others if there are any more!"  Said the boy, holding a brown Spinel, before putting it in the still-kinda-dazed Pearl's hands.

 Pearl looked at the brown, heart-shaped, Spinel now in her hands as she remembered the old gem she knew that was now on homeworld, which made her think of what could have happened to this gem to reach earth and a stolen homeworld ship.

"Ah! Pearl!" Steven shrieked, snapping Pearl out of her trance, moving her head and eyes over to Steven in the ship anxiously holding a light blue teardrop gem like it was a disease, an Aquamarine, that was a little bigger than normal.

Steven thought it was their old foe they still had to tie some loose ends up with, he was also holding a Tigers eye in his other hand.

"I-i think that's everyone, let's go back," Steven said, carrying the two gems in his arms, as he walked down the path back to the house, Pearl following with the brown gem in her hands as she brushed over the faucets.

'just a little under perfect. who would leave this type of gem out here like this.' Pearl thought as she carried the Spinel, into the house. 

"Yo dudes!" Amethyst said from the kitchen grabbing a bag of 'chaps' as Steven and Pearl placed the gems onto the table, just as Amethyst came from the counter. "Woah, who are those?" Amethyst asked upon ripping open the bag and chewing on the chips inside and sitting on the couch.

"We don't know yet, but we'll find out when they reform, right Pearl." Steven turned to Pearl as he sat next to her on the couch, her eyes were glued to the three gems. Something unnerving, unusual about this trio, that just doesn't stick right.

'Who would throw out an Aquamarine, a Spinel, and a Tigers eye this doesn't make any sense.' Pearl thought, stuck with her head in the clouds of what happened to these gems, a hand on her shoulder, brought her back to earth "Pearl?" Steven said to snap her back to reality.

"Yes! Hm?" Pearl squeaked and looked at Steven's confused but saddened eyes. "Pearl, you've been like this ever since we found the ship, is there anything you want to tell us? me? I thought we had covered everything." Steven spoke, his voice cracking, Pearl sighed, her eyes moving to the ground guiltily.

"Okay, okay, there is something I was hiding from you all. We'll get Garnet and tell her too." Pearl said her eyes low to the ground to avoid Steven's clouded eyes, 'what could Pearl be hiding now, I thought I got everything about homeworld, I hope this doesn't relate to anything that happened with my mom.' Steven thought his mind running with lose thoughts. 

A few minutes passed and Garnet came out of her room. "Hello. What's happening?" Garnet said in a monotoned voice as she sat down with the rest of the crystal gems. "Pearl has something to tell us. Right pearl?" Steven said to which Pearl just nodded.

"Well? Tell us P!" Amethyst exclaimed as curiosity filled her being, Pearl sighed. "I don't know the whole story but I can tell you what I have. Pink had come back from a meeting..." Pearl started to explain.

A few moments passed until she wrapped up her explanation.

 "And I think whoever is in these gems might not be so nice, so be ready." Pearl finished, and everyone stayed silent for a while before Amethyst spoke up, having finished the chips. "Weird...anyway, Steven wanna go get some bits?" Amethyst asked, feeling the tension between the three gems that have yet to reform in the silence. "Yeah sure, we haven't been there in a while." Steven responded, getting up with Amethyst and walking outside with Pearl chirping a 'be back before dark'  right before the door closed.

<Time skip>

The day was ending, and the waves on the beach were calming for the passersby.  at around 11 pm Steven was getting ready, brushing his teeth, after getting out of the shower when he saw in the corner of his eye, bright light coming from the living room.

Steven ignored it as he faced the mirror spitting into the sink. He walked out of the bathroom only to be enveloped in a blue light only his head stuck out of the ball of blue light, Steven in panic closed his eyes and prayed this was a dream.

"Oh! Coca isn't this one of those earth specimens?!"

Steven opened his eyes slowly and was met with seafoam teal eyes.

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