17 1 13

January 11, 2002
Chad's POV

"Misty Lillian! Leave your sisters cake alone!" I hear Bailey yell and walk into the kitchen and see my daughter on the verge of tears and pick her up, as I grab a slice of the cake to give to her.

"Chad! That's not hers! That's Christy's!" Bailey yells at me and I glare at her.

"I bought it for both of them, not just Christy, Bailey." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Well she was a brat yesterday so she doesn't deserve cake today!" Bailey says and I roll my eyes.

"She is only three, Bailey! Good lord." I say as I lead my daughter out to the living room to play.

Later that day, as I'm finishing up my packing for the tour for Silver Side Up I hear Misty scream and then a loud slap onto skin.

I rush downstairs to see my three year old daughter fighting, Christy having the advantage because she was the bigger twin at birth and still is and I see that Misty has a bloody nose and one of her front teeth are knocked out. I pull them apart and set Christy into he couch as I pick up Misty.

"Bailey! Get down here!" I yell and I see Bailey come downstairs from her study and she sighs as she sees Misty's face.

"I'm taking her to the ER. She probably needs stitches." I say and take Misty to the ER, where they put twenty something stitches in her mouth and nose.

I come back home and Misty is sleeping as I carry her inside.

I decide to set Misty on the couch for tonight, as of what happened earlier.

I walk into Bailey's study and she sighs.

"Christy said Misty wouldn't give her the Barbie doll Misty was playing with and she took it and Misty bit her. Christy had every-" I cut her off with the medical report.

"Christy had every right to bully her smaller twin sister over a fucking barbie. Misty is most likely non verbal, Bailey! She bit Christy because Christy got into Misty's personal space, something she has always hated! Misty didn't deserve to get twenty eight stitches in her mouth and nose because Christy got mad and let her anger get the better of her." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I'll tell you now Chad, I beat the crap out of my older brother and sister for taking my shit as a kid and never once did they scream just to get me in trouble like Misty did today. The Barbie wasn't Misty's it was Christy's so Misty should have gave it to Christy when asked." She says and I scoff.

"I saw the Barbie, Bailey! It was the one Misty wanted for her birthday and I bought it for her two months ago! It wasn't Christy's! You think everything of Misty's is Christy's! You act like Misty doesn't even exist half the time!" I yell and she nods.

"I told you I only wanted one. I chose which one in the hospital three years ago." She says and I glare at her.

"We are done. Keep the engagement ring, sell it for all I give a damn. I don't want to marry you, the kind of person I hate. You have until I return from tour to move out. I already have custody papers filled out. You want Christy you got her. I want Misty. All you got to do is sign them. When you leave, take Misty to Peake's place and leave her with Allie. I'm done." I say and leave to my room.

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