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Chad's POV

"Chad! The doctors need you down here." Bailey says and I tell her okay as I quickly get off the plane in Georgia.

I fucking knew something was up with that bastard of a husband she has.

I get into the hospital in Senoia and they send me to Pediatric ICU where I see Bailey and her kids there along with that prick.

"What the hell happened?" I ask Bailey as I get closer.

"Ricardo was cooking enchiladas for dinner and he just collapsed and turned blue from the smell of Jalapenos cooking." She says and I roll my eyes.

"I sent his allergy list with him, Bailey! I even sent you the two things he's allergic to when he agreed to stay with you! And you, you come anywhere near my son again and you'll be in fucking prison. I'm done Bailey, this was your chance to redeem yourself and you blew it by thinking she wasn't actually allergic to fucking jalapenos." I say as I walk into the room where my son is and gently cradle his hand as he's still sedated.

Finally around 1am he wakes up and I sigh with relief.

"Where are they?" He asks and I shake my head.

"They won't hurt you again, Asher. I promise buddy." I whisper to him as I hold his hand.

He closes his eyes and I decide to go out and call Ryan when I see Bailey's husband there.

"Y'know, Bailey deserves to see her daughter. I don't know why you won't let her, but it's pathetic that you are keeping Misty from her mother." He says and I realize that this prick is transphobic as fuck and glare at him.

"Four things Ricardo. One, Bailey gave zero fucks about Asher since the day he was born, not even a fucking birthday card since she left when he was three. Two, Asher is allergic to Green Chili peppers and Jalapeno peppers on the severe side. Three, I don't know what your issue with Transgender people is, but you can either call my son by his name and pronouns or not speak of him at all. Four, I don't know what lies Bailey has told you about me, but it's all fucking lies. The reason I kicked her out was because she showed her favoritism about Christy after Christy knocked the shit out of Asher over a fucking doll that wasn't even Christy's to begin with. She can deal with not seeing my son until I feel comfortable with it this time. End of discussion. Oh and I know who your father is, some big whig lawyer from Florida, right? Don't even try to sue for custody. I already spoke to your father, he agrees with me." I say as I go to make a phone call to Ryan as that prick storms out.

After telling Ryan what happened, he tells me that Asher is more than welcome to stay with Trisha, Luke, and Annie while we are on tour.

I agree and decide that's where I'll let him stay, unless he'd rather stay with Mike's family in Hawaii. I'll ask when he wakes up.

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