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Asher's POV
Guadalajara international airport, Mexico

I get out of customs and run to my Dad, who hugs me tight as I try to suppress the memories for the time being.

We get to the stadium where they're playing tonight and I go to the bus to change.

As I'm walking to the bus, I notice my biological mother's face in the fencing with Christy, Maia, Rian, and that transphobic prick of a husband she has.

I ignore her yelling for me to come to her and go inside the arena.

The concert goes smoothly and as we are leaving for the busses to get to Tijuana by sundown, I see them all coming to us.

"I want my child, Chad." She says and Dad scoffs.

"So I can put Ash in even more danger with that prick around? I don't think so, Bailey." Dad says and I see Christy glaring at me, as is Maia and Rian.

"She should have came with me back in 2002, and you fucking know it Chad! Had she came with me then, she wouldn't have been raped and molested by that bastard in your band!" She yells and I feel the tears as the memory comes back hard.

December 17, 2004

"What the hell are you doing, Vik?!" Mommy yells at Uncle Vik as he goes to open the toy and I run to her, only for Uncle Vik to shove me on the bed and punch Mommy in the face.

He tosses the toy on the bed and unzips his jeans, only for Daddy to come into my room and shove Uncle Vik into the wall, knocking out family photo off.

He sees that I don't have my underpants on our my shorts and then starts hitting Uncle Vik as Mommy picks me up and holds me, shielding my view of what Daddy is doing.

Chad's POV

"Asher! Buddy, look at me!" I yell as I try to get Ash out of the memory and he wails as he hugs me tightly.

"Don't...Daddy...please...no..." He whispers out in between sobs and I realize that what Bailey said about that bastard sent him back to that memory.

"Buddy, he isn't here, he won't hurt you. Daddy has you, buddy." I whisper as I send a hard glare to Bailey, who looks shocked.

Ryan comes over and I send Ash to his bus while I take care of this.

"You see what you did, Bailey? You did that. You sent him back to that day. You said you didn't even want him back in 2002, what fucking changed?" I ask her and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"I wanted all my kids to know each other. I realized that I made a big mistake in 1998 saying I only wanted one twin, then again in 2002 when I said it out loud again. I realized that my family wasn't complete without Misty- I mean Asher." She says and I scoff.

"Bailey, we could've been together still had you not fucked everything up with your favoritism between Asher and Christy! Maia and Rian could have been ours, but you ruined it! You did that, not me! Asher has C-PTSD from what Vik did to him back in 2004, and you think I let it happen on purpose? Fuck no, had I or Nikki known what Vik was doing to Ash we would have stopped it and I probably would be in prison for beating him to death! Only reason it didn't happen when I found out was because the cops agreed with what I did! Hell, one said that should have beaten him to death, or close to it! Asher had to go through fucking intensive therapy for five years! Five, Bailey! It broke me when he wouldn't even hug me because he was afraid of men, Bailey! Stay the hell away from me and my son!" I yell as I go to my bus, security escorting them out.

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