The meeting

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Previously on The Queen and The Vampire...

I was running as fast as I could through the woods. They were after me. All of them. I kept running until I his behind a tree. They were the werewolves after me. They killed my entire family when I was little. I sigh seeing that they aren't there anymore. I walk out from behind the tree, But when I do I get knocked out. I see a 3 blurry figures and I slowly black out.

I wake up tied up in a chair with a giant sign around it. "I think he's awake." I hear a voice. I try to break free. I growl as the door opens. I see a girl.

Smiley's POV

I wake up at 8 in the morning and head to shower. After I headed down to the living are and poured my self a glass of blood. I smell his scent. "Harry. You awake. You might be hungry for blood." I pour him some. I turn around and he walks up to me. I hand him the glass and smile. "Thank you." I nod. "So tell me. How have you been all this time through, with out your family." I asked taking a seat. He takes a seat in front of me. His emerald eyes look into mine. I see something and I feel it also, but I don't acknowledge it. "Well, I had a friend, he helped me hunt and taught me hunting and controlling my thirst for blood. But one day he was killed by the wolf pack." He sighs. "He was the only friend I had." I put my hand on top of his. "Well you have me and this kingdom now." He looks up and smiles at me. I felt the sadness he was feeling. It was weird. I had never had the feeling in my life as a hybrid. When he smiled, I felt better. "Well when do we go to speak to the pack?" He asked. I look at him. "In a few minutes. You should get ready." He nods and drinks the rest of his blood.

I wait outside the castle for him. "Guards. I want you to make sure, when Sam and Dean and the others get here, you make them feel at home." They nod. "Yes my Queen. We will make sure." The head guard says. Harry comes out dressed in a fit black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He was very handsome I have to admit. He ran his hand over his long curly hair. "Uh shall we go?" I ask. He sighs nods. I hold my hand out for his to take. He takes it slowly and we deapperate to the forest where Violet found him. I sniff the air to find the scent of the were wolves. "I think I have a scent." I could feel Harry's adrenaline pumping through his vein. That was weird to me. I usually can't feel anyones emotions. "Ready?" I hold my hand out for him. He looks at me and hesitantly takes it.

I start to follow the smell of the pack. The closer and closer we get, Harry's hand squeezed mines tighter. I squeezed his back, reassuring him that its okay. He felt him look at me. I stopped for a bit. "Are you hungry?" I ask him. "A bit." I take out two blood bags and hand him one. "Drink up." He quickly drains the bag. There was blood dripping from his lips. I take a handkerchief and clean it off. He stared into my eyes. I had a I saw something in his eye. It was me and him together. I need to speak of this with someone. I thought. "Thank you." He smiled a bit, making my heart flutter. Another feeling I'm not suppose to get. My heart is dead. It shouldn't flutter. I nod and it away. "Lets just sit for awhile." I say sitting with my back against a tree. "Why don't you tell me about your self." I look up at him and giggle. "Well, of course. You told me about yourself." He scoots closer to me and nods.

"Well why don't we start from the beginning. I was turned 129 years ago. It was a complete accident though. I went on a hunting trip to kill some demons, but one of them sneaked up on me. I knew it was to late, I knew I would die, but the hybrid didn't listen. He fed me his blood. He thought I would heal and be fine. Thats where he was wrong." Harry scooted next to me and our arms brushed. He listened closely. "What the demon stabbed me with had some type of spell on it. That spell was to late to be broken. I would have died and not lived if he didn't give me his blood or I would have die anyway with his blood in my system but come back as the strongest hybrid because of the poison."

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