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Scott falls into a blueberry bush and squished a blueberry, what does he do next?
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He was walking through the tree, trying to reach the very tip of on of the thinner branch's out of sheer boredom when he heard a crack.

"Scott? Where are you darling?" His mother called from above. She had heard the branch fall and had wandered over to make sure her son hadn't been injured.

"Scooott!" She called again, not sounding too concerned.
"I'm alright mam!"
"Oh, alright love. Be back by dinner okay?"
"I will mam!"
"Alright, have fun dear."

I sighed as I stood up, taking a quick glance around me before letting out a puff of air. I had fallen into a blueberry bush, and now I'm all dirty and ... and blue.


About two hours later he walked confidently into the little hidey hole his family lived in in the field nearly giving his mother heart attack.
"What in the great gods have you done to your hair?" She sighed exasperated, giving the 'if I didn't love you so much I'd slap the shit out cha' expression.

"Well I fell into a blueberry bush, and smashed a blueberry, and figured out it turned my paws like this .. purpley blue. And now I'm blue!" Scott stated proudly as he did a little twirl to show off his once light brown and white spotted fur now blotchy and mottled various shades of blueish purple.

"Scotty .. if that stains you'll be stuck with that till it comes out, you know?" His mother, ever the optimist, asked as she walked over and grabbed his cheeks gently in her paws.

"Yes mama! I'm ready to be a pretty blue rat forever!" He squealed, wriggling around happily when his mother hoisted him up and set him on her hip.
"Alright love, as long as you're happy. Now, let's go get some dinner yeah?" She smiled, booping his nose.
He giggled, nodding his head excitedly.

"And that's why I'm blue!"

"But .. isn't it supposed to wash out by now? I mean it's only blueberry after all." Safety Rat questioned, poking at the blue rat sitting next time him behind the planter.
"Well I did find out that human dyes stick better .. so now I just sorta steal those. I've also used flowers, you know blue stars, orchids, and even Borage make such pretty shades of blue! But Borage tends to smell after a while and get sticky." Scott happily jangled in, waving us paws about in emphasis.

"I take it you speak from experience?" Trash Rat giggled, nudging Ratsunae Miku with his arm.
"Of course! A great farmer always tests his products before handing it to the public. It's only sensible."

The others nodded simultaneously, all very much agreeing with the farmer even though they had absolutely no clue what he meant. Meh, it's probably fine.

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