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Tubbo and Shelbies pov when Scott meantioned he knew about the cannibalism kinda

Scott and Owen are seen as brothers/close friends. Their ccs are uncomfortable with shipping and if you intend to see this as such kindly leave.
(Not proof read)
Tws: minor swearing, mentioned cannibalism(obviously),
"Well yeah .. is it really true? Yknow .. the cupboard?" The farmer rat asked, twirling his tail absently around his own paw.

"... What?" 'Shit, how does he know!?' Tubbo freaked, the skin visible under his brown coat going pale and clammy.
"Wh-what do you mean Scott?" Shubble this time, finally spoke up, her voice quiet and cracking slightly.

"Where did you hear that from?" The whisper was harsh, not loud but enough to make Scott flinch by the sudden aggression. "W-well, uhm, I heard it from another rat!" He finished quickly, hoping the lie sounded more sure than he thought it did.

"Shubble. Who else KNOWS!?" Tubbo, thoroughly panicked at this point turned to his companion seething.
"I don't know!" She yelled back, seeming equally mad but attempting to hide it.

Scott just stood there a bit concerned now. "Wait... so, you mean it's .. true?" He stuttered through the sentence, unsure at first but facial expression morphing into one of recognition and then horror. "It's not true.. Right?"

Both rats just paused, keeping their bodies faced towards each other but eyes down to the ground.

"No. No no no nonono no. It can't be true! It's- you guys- why!?" The blue furred rat suddenly became frantic, flinging his paws around as he paces around slowly. Oblivious to the much smaller rats approach.

A few short steps forward, a thick pin came swinging down just narrowly missing the bigger rat, lodging into the floor next to his paw. "What the hell!" He squealed, jumping and scurrying a few paw steps away.

"Get back here!" Tubbo screams after him, taking chase when Scott smartly started running.
"Tubbo stop that! Everyone's gonna know if you try to kill the guy!" Shubble followed, yelling after her little friend and trying her best to grab at his sweater.
Scott was running as fast as his little legs could carry him, searching out for anyone within ear shot, when no one came around he just started screaming. Hoping beyond all someone would hear as he was slowly starting to lose his stamina. Damn that little rats fast. Life of luxury doesn't do many favors to a sleek figure I suppose ...

After another minute of running Tubbo was gasping, Shubble already long stopped in hopes that if he DID catch Scott, she wouldn't be included in the mess..

Suddenly, a flurry of white fur crashed into him, sending him sprawling to the side, pin lost between loose floorboards in the fray. "Augh-" he groaned, laying in a heap with a panting body half on top of him.
"What's going on!?" The one above him shrieked who now knows is Oliver. "Why we're you chasing Scott with a pin? And why was he screaming!" The last sentence sounded more like a concerned comment more than a question.
Soon enough two more rats came into view, that being The trash rat, Oli, and Ratsunae Miku, Martyn both looking as concerned and horrified as Oliver.

"Yeah .. We heard Scott wailing and came looking for him, what's going on?" Martyn started softly, looking between Tubbo and some other unseen rat or rats out of his view.
"Nothing, just a ... a disagreement.." Tubbo muttered our, teeth clenched. 'Dammit...'

"I'm uh, I'm gonna go get Owen .." Some new voice popped up, a distinct feminine voice that he assumed belonged to Shubble. 'Traitor.'

A minute later Owen came running through, an exasperated and panting Shubble in his wake. "Calm down Owen!" She yelled, coming to a skidding halt right behind the large rat.
"Where's Scott?" The concern in his voice was evident, his paws still shaking like he was itching to grab onto something.
Just then Scott came rounding the corner of a crate, poking his head out first when he heard his name before scampering over frantically and jumping at his friend. "Owen!" He yelped in fearful relief.

"Scott! What happened? Are you alright? Shubble said you were being attacked-" he rambled, running his paws along the farmer rats sides and arms checking for any wounds or damages to the fur. Finding nothing but a bit of dust he huffed and began grooming down tufts of sticky fur in a sort of brotherly comforting way. Scott gave a sort of quick purring sound before dislodging himself from his friend and going to stand slightly behind him when he turned to face Tubbo, who was still struggling on his chest under the hold of Olive if I might add.

"Now, what in the world is going on?" Owen asked, putting his paws on his hips like an angry mother.

"Well- me and Oli were just having a stroll when we heard a bunch of yelling so we walked over and saw Tubbo chasing Scott around with some needle." Martyn began, nervously glancing from Tubbo to Owen.
Olive chimed in; "Mhm, I heard the yelling too but what made me come over was seeing Martyn and Oli rushing around as well. I saw Tubbo nearly catching up with Scott so I uh- tackled him." They finished of, ducking their head sheepishly. Or, as far as the could get it without staring a rather murderous looking mouse in the face.

"What-" Owen began, but stopped short as he noticed the little rat beneath the lawyer rat wiggle free and stand up, brushing his furry arm over his ear much like a cat would to groom itself.
"Sheez.. that wood knotted up my fur." He muttered, his voice weirdly calm after he was just found guilt of trying to murder someone.

Everyone present took a pause, just watching in bewilderment or just straight bemused. "You're just not gonna-" someone began, but stopped short as they realized the others had turned to look at them.

At this point they had been standing there for a subjectively too long of time. Scott poked up, splaying his paws absently across his navy tunic as he took a few steps forward. "It uh- it was my fault, I asked a question and it wasn't my uhm, my business. I'm sorry Tubbo, and- and the other rat involved" he spoke, intending to keep Shrub away from this conversation despite know how guilt she was. "-I shouldn't of pried." He concluded, moving back a space to stand level with the tinkerer.

Oli looked back and forth for a minute, supposedly sizing this situation up. "Welp. Now I think it's that one's turn to apol'gize, yea? I mean, he was chasin him with a pretty sharp pin." He spoke, accent thickening on a few select words.
The others nodded in agreements, looking expectantly to Tubbo, who's paws had suddenly become very interesting.
It took another minute before Tubbo let out a frantic sigh, lifting his head to look around. Once he found Scott he took a few steps forward, at which some of the closer rats took a stuttering step back, and stood nearly nose to nose with him. Or, as nose to nose as he can get given the height difference.

"Right, sorry buddy. I was chasing you with that pin and I really shouldn't've. My bad." It was close to sounding condescending, but they made it work.

"Yeah .. and I'm sorry about the uhm, miss hap." Scott supplied, though there was no real reason for him to be apologizing.
"Right.. now that that's settled. Shelbie you good for nothing tattle tale!" Tubbo screech, making a break for the now smug faced Shubble who has very smartly started running.

The others just watched in a mix of amusement and bewilderment, dispersing once the spectacle had finally turned a corner out of sight.

Kinda hate how this ended, but I've had this here for months and finally just gave in.
I'll probably go back and rewrote the ending but as it was rush but anyway, Hope you enjoyed!

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