Cuddle Pile

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I love that we've all collectively agreed that they all have little rat cuddle piles, especially when one of them is upset or not feeling well.

Focusing on Owen this chapter, might do Bek or Scott later. Maybe Shelby or Tubbo too. Or Will, who knows!
THIS NOT SHIPPING. The ccs are uncomfy with shipping their characters and wish to see them in a bortherly way and that is the ONLY way these two are to be seen in this fic.
First Person pov
Not proof read yet(and will not be, I am slightly ashamed of the 5am writing of this)

I hear stomping behind me, not the slightly more delicate tap of the maids shoes, or the light taps of the children, but the distinct loud clomp of the butler. That terrifying, giant, butler.

I try to duck under one of the low tables but he's too close, he'll grab me for sure if I try. So I keep running, past the bathroom, through the kitchens, and finally at the stairs. It's my only viable option but ...

Loud hurried thumps followed by the shrill yells of the house.

Nope, no other options. I take a deep breath and begin scrambling up the large step as quickly as possible.

Maybe five seconds give or take before I've been caught. The large hands wrapping around my torso and tossing me into the cold bars of the rat cage.
I let our small squeals as wriggle in his grip before letting out a shrill yelp as I hit bars of the cage.
I hope the others get here quickly ...

Owenjuice has been caught in the ______

"I'll get him!" Scott shouted as he scampered away from the small group that had been huddled around a glowing lantern.

Scott let out a small gasp when he reached the cage his friend was supposed to be in.
Well, he found him, but it is quite a sorry sight.

Owen was curled in the corner of the cage, hugging his arms to chest a shaking leaf.
"Oh Owen .. c'mon let's get out of there." Scott heaved the lever up letting the cage snap open before hurrying inside and crouching down next to the Tinkerer.

"You alright?" Stupid question, obviously he wasn't but what else do you do in this situation?

A few sniffles later Scott managed to get Owen up and out of the cage and through the little stairwell leading to the rattoc.

A dozen squeaks and scurrying paw steps later a good portion of the rattoc population was piled atop each other in the little community corner. A few had gone to fetch snacks, blankets, and pillows but eventually they were all piled together, all sleeping peacefully or conversating quietly as those closest to the middle curled around the Tinkerer and Farmer boy letting out little comforting trills and purr like noises.

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