The Ancient One

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----------- <--Time Jumps

Italicized <-- Thoughts

v Chapter Begins Below v


Three days have passed since the change. All Father is sitting in a chair watching Momonga. He hasn't been able to meet the Floor Guardians yet but hopes that he will be able to soon. Although hiding is my specialty, I feel like it's nigh useless now. But at least he has his stuff again. The shapeshifter had acquired his gear by sneaking around the other Doppelgänger. Pandora wouldn't notice its disappearance until his monthly inspection.

All Father looked up as a sword fell to the floor. Naberal spoke up, "Shall I get that?"

"Yes." Momonga responded.

"Manners." All Father whispered harshly, standing up and stopping Naberal.

"Yes, please." Momonga sighed out.

Naberal desperately held back a smirk as she picked up the weapon. She thought she would never see the Supreme Being chastised again.

"Create Greater Item." A suit of armor appeared on the skeleton overlord. 

He used another spell and took the sword from Naberal. He swung the blade with an overhead arch and created a gust of wind in the room. Momonga then turned to the maid.

"Naberal I am going to go outside the Tomb for a bit." The mage looked toward All Father, "Would like to join me, Father?"

The shapeshifter changed into Sebas and nodded his head.

"The guard shall accompany you. Just say the word."

"No need. We should be able to defend ourselves."

"Please wait Lords, if you leave without an escort, we would be unable to protect you. It is our sworn duty to act as your shields-"

The disguised All Father held up a gloved hand, interrupting her pleading. "No....need."

Naberal seceded and bowed her head. Using the guild rings the two teleported to the first floor. 

"This is so tiring," Momonga muttered. All Father placed a hand on the armor. "Have you noticed a change in your mental state as well?"

"Telepathy." The Sebas double had a smug smile.

"Of course. I often forget that Doppelgängers have it, although it's a little unfair." He only got a chuckle as a response and the two began walking. "I won't be able to use magic in this armor, but I can make do with my items. I doubt we'll run into any...."

As they reached the top of the stairs they came across an unexpected sight. Multiple demon generals were waiting and Demiurge himself was here. The Floor Guardian quickly kneeled to Momonga, his followers doing so as well.

"It's you, my lord! But why are you traveling without a proper escort, and wearing such armor?"

All Father was about to laugh as Momonga nearly panicked but held it back.

"Well, there is a reason for all of this." The leader replied.

"So that's how it is. As expected of a great ruler, your attention to detail is impeccable." The shapeshifter heard Momonga's desperate mental cries for fresh air. "However, I can't let you leave here without a larger escort. No offense, Sebas, but if something happened I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

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