Acting At It's Finest

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----------- <--Time Jumps

Italicized <-- Thoughts

v Chapter Begins Below v


"Well, did..that..give you..the" All Father asked as he sat on the couch.

"I-I didn't think you would stop the fight that early, Father." Ainz had changed back into his robes. The skeleton paced in front of his desk. "But we ultimately did 'hit two birds with one stone', as you said."

"Most..fights with similar..haste. Plus, astonishingly swift..pace.  So, what..did..we learn?" There was a hint of excitement in the Elder's voice.

"To be effective, I need to balance speed, power, and distance while also keeping an eye on the enemy."

"Good, that..covers..yourself. What..else?"

 "Nazarick seems to have taken a liking to you. Although, your recent appearance still has a few of them on edge." Ainz took a seat across from the older player. "Shalltear most of all but she hasn't made it known why."

"Hopefully..I'll to...mend..whatever plagues..her mind. " All Father sighed, "I do..wish..I had alternate..plan. mind, it..pains" The Elder cursed himself.

"It is a necessary precaution," Ainz quickly assured. "Hopefully Demiurge doesn't learn of this, or anyone else for that matter. You nearly ruined it, laughing like a madman. I think that combined with the severity of your 'wound' terrified everyone there."

"Ah yes, guess I..don't..need this...anymore."

All Father looked down at the injury. Black ooze still flowed but never seemed to reach the rich fabric of the furniture. With a wave of his hand, the entire area shimmered before fading away. Ainz just shook his head with wonder at the sight. An unharmed All Father leaned forward taking hold of a small mug that was set before the match.

"Do you think I'll be able to pass off as a high-tier warrior?" Ainz asked.

" but..that..doesn't" The shapeshifter sternly warned and took a sip of coffee. "You've done..well."

Despite his lack of facial features, anyone could hear how pleased Ainz was. "Thank you, Father. I'll take your warning seriously. We don't know what's out there, it would be idiotic for me to not expect something powerful."

" continually..fumble. Like always." If All Father had a face, he would be unable to hide the cheeky grin.

Immediately Ainz's mood was ruined. "Can't I just have one victory?"

"Hmm..." The Elder stroked his chin thoughtfully, "No."

Ainz sighed causing All Father to chuckle before taking another sip. It's always been like this when talking to the guild's Elder. If it wasn't serious advice or a helping hand it was small jabs at amusement, mostly at another's expense. Most commonly Peroroncino was the target, especially with his obsession with H-Games.

Luckily Peroroncino would always fire back making the two enter a duel of sorts. BogeyMan won nearly every match just because of how petty he could get. Soon enough other members joined in the 'duels' making a small sport within the tomb. It was only during the last week of the Elder being 'online' that Peroroncino was able to achieve a verbal victory. Ainz thought about the memory of when it happened.

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