Searching for Answers

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----------- <--Time Jumps

Italicized <-- Thoughts

v Chapter Begins Below v


Finally, the Great Tomb of Nazarick had a goal. Present the Supreme One with this new world. Albedo had made it clear with Demiurge's help, that this was Lord Ainz's wish and plan. Once this was understood the succubus informed the gathered of their small deed of saving Carne Village. The Overseer's passionate words inspired those within the Hall, except for one.

"Woah! Grandpa must be pretty strong despite his age." Aura stated giddily. Days prior the Supreme Being requested that the elf twins call him that.

"Indeed Lady Aura. The ability to make others fearful is a skill many don't utilize." Sebas wondered if the Elder would possibly teach him.

A huff of cold air escaped Cocytus, "While I may find such acts not honorable, I will not deny the effectiveness of such a tactic."

"I agree Cocytus. However, it may have been a better choice considering the Elder may not have the resistances to magic that Lord Ainz has." Demiurge added.

We don't know anything about him! Shalltear grimaced. Why weren't we told anything about this 'Supreme Being' back in Yggdrasil if he's so important? Her thoughts were interrupted as Demiurge noticed her expression.

"Is something wrong Shalltear?" The others continued discussing the might of their Lords, so she decided to ask him a question.

"Demiurge, you've met with Lord All Father, correct?"

"I have." Demiurge quirked a brow with intrigue.

"Well...What was he like?"

Ah, All Father must have asked her to meet with him. "For starters, he was extremely knowledgeable. He showed strength and determination as we conversed, all the while he was preoccupied with other tasks. However, he was extremely interested in my hobbies and opinions, answering any questions I had."

As he spoke the other Guardians began leaving the Hall to return to their duties. Shalltear hummed at his words. She quickly thanked him and made her way toward the exit. Demiurge watched her go and was about to follow when he was stopped.

"Demiurge?" Albedo called him politely.

"Yes, Albedo?" He turned to face her.

"What were you and Shalltear talking about?"

"Oh, nothing too unusual. I believe she is meeting with Lord All Father and asked for my opinion." Albedo's face furrowed into disdain at his words.

"Why would she ask about him?" Albedo didn't like to dance around the topic when it concerned the Elder. Often times being blunt and protective despite his superior strength.

"Perhaps she isn't used to his presence yet. She has been around him the least." The demon suggested.

"Hmm," The Overseer hummed. She doesn't seem to accept his authority. But she wouldn't dare act against him. "That could be the case. Besides I didn't keep you here for that."

"Please do enlighten me."

"When I pointed out the logic behind Lord Ainz using a human as a pawn. Grandfather made a statement that I didn't understand but Lord Ainz recognized it."

"Intriguing, what were these words?" Demiurge placed a hand on his chin, properly interested.

"'Quite useful however a pawn could become a queen with the proper circumstances.' Lord Ainz mentioned the words were from something called 'Western Shogi'. Then mentioned a 'match' between you and Naberal."

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