Chapter 1: The Story of Our Lives

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Artisan's Homeworld

The Dark Hollow Realm,1600 Hours.

In a Dark Chamber.

In the Middle of the Chamber,Sat a Strange Fire,Inside a Small Bowl,Full of Magical Coal,Which sat,On a Large Pedestal,With a Hole,In the Ceiling,Where the Moon shined Down,Upon It.

Inside the Chamber,A Mysterious Figure walked down the Steps,Into the Chamber,as He approached the Strange Fire.

The Figure wore a Hood,Over his Head,To prevent Anyone,From,Seeing,Who He was.

As the Figure continued to Approach the Fire,He grasped Something,Tightly,In his Hand.

He was holding Something,In his Hand.

It was a Large Purple Scale.

The Hooded Figure stopped,In Front of the Fire,as the Figure looked Up at the Sky.

 Looking to the Moon.

It was a Full Moon,And,It was in Perfect Alignment.

"It's Time," The Figure whispered as He Smiled,Wickedly.

"Reduc,Obscurum,Domitorem,Hunc,Mundum,Redde,Voca,Magistrum,Obscurum," The Figure chanted,Over and Over,as a Purple Flame,Ignited in the Bowl,While,He chanted.

While,The Figure was Chanting,The Moon started to Move,Out of Alignment.

His Time was Running Out.

"I,Summon Thee,Dark Master,Arise,Fallen Soldier," The Figure shouted,as He lifted the Scale,In his Hand,And,Threw It into the Strange Purple Fire.


All the Flames,In the Chamber,Went Out.

One by One,The Flames,Just burnt Out.

Until,The Room was Practically Dark,With Only the Fire in the Bowl,To Light Up the Room.

A Shadow began to Rise,Over the Purple Fire.

The Figure watched the Shadow Rise,as He Smiled,Happily.

His Plan was Working.

That was When.

The Shadow Roared,Ferociously,as It loomed Over the Figure.

The Roar echoed,Throughout the Chamber,as the Shadow took Shape.

The Shadow took the Shape of a Dark Dragon,as It's Eyes glowed Red.

The Figure bowed Down,Before the Shadow Dragon,as He lowered his Hood,Revealing Himself to be a Jaguar.

"Welcome Back,My Dark Master,We have Much,To Discuss," The Jaguar announced as He bowed Down,Before It.

The Shadow Dragon Smiled,Wickedly,In Response.

Present Day.

In the Human World.

6:00 A.M,In the Morning.

10 Year Old,Max,sat in the Passenger Seat,Of his Dad's Car,While,Looking Out the Window,Silently.

His Dad sat,In the Driver Seat,Driving Him to School.

Max's Dad turned to Max,Briefly,Noticing How Quiet He was.

"You're,Awfully Quiet,Today," Max's Dad commented as He glanced at Max,For a Minute,Before turning Back to the Road.

Max sighed as He heard his Dad Speak.

"Well,There's not,Really Much to talk About," Max pointed Out,Plainly,as He,Still,Looked Out the Window.

Blayz the Dragon: Universal Peril (Credit for Title goes to Blayz the Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now