Chapter 5: Opening Up

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In the Dark Hollow Region of the Artisan's Homeworld.

Spyro,Cynder and Sparx were,Still,Traveling Together,Continuing to resume Their Journey to the Skylands,Where Night has,Now,Fallen,Onto the Trio.

As They were Walking,Through the Land,Sparx began to Wonder to Himself,About,Who or What could have caused such a Disaster to take Place,Not seeing,Who or What could've done It,He decided to speak Up.

"Hey,Guys. You Guys,Wondering the Same Thing,That I am?" Sparx brought Up,Wanting to Know,If the Others were Thinking the Same Thing,That,He was.

"And,What is That,Sparx?" Spyro asked,Softly as He stopped Walking,To speak to Him.

"Who or What could cause such a Catastrophe to Happen?" Sparx wondered,Curiously.

"Well,We'll know the Answer,Once We reach the Skylands,Through Monastacia," Spyro replied,Confidently,as He started Walking,Again,Trying to pick Up the Pace a Bit,So,They wouldn't be Too Late.

"Hmm,Maybe,Malefor has Something to do with This," Sparx speculated.

"Uh,That would be Ridiculous,Sparx,Since We were the Ones,That,Got Rid of Him for Good, Believe Me,Malefor is Long Gone," Spyro reassured,Explaining to Sparx,How his Return would be Impossible.

As Sparx and Spyro talked about Malefor,Hearing It from the Two of Them Enough,Cynder began to feel Worried about Malefor's Return,Stopping Walking to Admit her Worries to Her Mate.

"If Malefor is Back,I might be a Danger to You," Cynder admitted.

Sparx and Spyro heard,What She Said as They Both stopped,And,Walked Over to Her,To Comfort Her.

"Cynder,That isn't True," Spyro retorted.

"You don't know That,Spyro. There is So Many Things,That,He could do to Me," Cynder shot Back.

"Like What?" Spyro questioned.

"Like,What if He takes Control of Me,Again? What if I abuse My Powers to the Point where I become Consumed by Them and I end up hurting You Guys,Or,Even Killing You,Like,I tried to do Before?" Cynder responded,Fearfully,Worrying that She was going to become Corrupt,Once More,And,Lose Everything,That,She had Gained.

Hearing All the Worry clouding his Mate's Mind,Spyro decided to stop Her,From going Any Further,By putting his Hands onto Her Shoulders,Getting Her Attention.

 "Cynder,You are Way Too Strong-Willed to Allow That to Happen," Spyro pointed Out,Softly.

Cynder opened Her Mouth,About to say Something Else Negative about Herself,But,Spyro didn't let Her,as He,Just Continued On.

"Besides,Even if Malefor returns,You won't have to face Him Alone,Look if You get consumed by Darkness,There will always be a Small Speck of Light within You,That,Will lead You back to Us," Spyro elucidated.

Cynder Smiled,Contentedly,as She put Her Arms,Around Him,And,Hugged Him,Tightly,Holding Him in a Warm Embrace.

"Wow,You could not have made That Message Any More Cringe," Sparx warned.

"Heh! As if You could come Up with Something Better to Say to your Mate,Considering the Fact,That,You don't have One," Spyro retorted,Confidently.

"Hey,I'm,Just waiting for the Right Dragonfly," Sparx responded,In an Insulted Tone.

Spyro and Cynder,Hearing His Statement,Broke Out,Into Laughter,At his Comment,Both Sparx and Spyro,Successfully,Getting Cynder's Mind Off of Her Current Worry.

That was When.

All of a Sudden.

Three Familiar Villainous Figures appeared,Before,The Three of Them,as the Figures walked Out of a Portal,Right,In Front of the Three of Them.

Blayz the Dragon: Universal Peril (Credit for Title goes to Blayz the Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now