Your beauty

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Y/N's POV :

I'm unhinged everytime I see him. Nothing I do, can ever shake my thoughts of his beautiful embrace from my mind.
He is unreal. As a friend, I receive compliments from Felix that are very sincere, sweet and the way he cares about everyone around him, makes me feel harder than anything.
I've known Felix since his debut days, being fortunate enough to train with him. Now that I'm a backup dancer, I can see why the stray kids were a success. Man, those men work hard.
What astonishes me even more, and makes me sad even, that all of them are super kind, positive and keep a happy face even though I know what they go through.
Their bodies are always tired, their faces are red from all the makeup, serums, constant treatments that are put due to their public persona.
Yet they are such a warm group of people to be around. All I feel is constant gratitude that I get to be a small part of this.
Trouble began though, when I was dancing the "thunderous" dance on my own, trying to learn it for fun. Felix came into the room, wearing absolutely no makeup, a big white hoodie, his beautiful face full of freckles like dew drops that I wanted to protect, and those kind eyes that always seem to be concerned about those around him.
F : Hey, are you doing our dance! Omg can I do it with you?
Me : Hahaha of course, aren't you tired though? Sure you don't wanna rest?
F : I just took a nap and frankly I think it'd be fun..let's do it, yeah?
I had to say yes, because of course I wanted to; he is so sweet and his smile is just contagious.
His moves are so smooth, I picked up the steps much easier with his help.

The whole choreo had made me leave a little sweaty, so I was wiping the sweat off my forehead and I found myself staring at Felix.

e was turned around, the skin on his back revealed because of his crop hoodie, as he was leaned down on his bag. It was intoxicating already to see him dance like a god, and on top of that seeing his skin now, made me blush a little rosy. My heartbeat was rising and falling fast, thinking of Felix closer to me made me imagine some sinful things.
He suddenly turned around and smiled at me saying, "sorry I seemed to have made you tired. Look at your red cheeks." He chuckled in the cutest ways ever.
His cuteness was breaking my strict exterior that I try to maintain and I started giggling.
I said, "you were really really good. You practiced so much, it's crazy you don't dance in your sleep at this point."
Felix shrugged as if thinking about it deeply, "well I have heard Bangchan say once that I was doing blackpink's ddu du ddu du step in my sleep. But i don't think I've ever danced our own dances in sleep. Do you do anything weird in your sleep, Y/N?"
There was nothing weird about his question but talking about myself sleeping in front of Lee Felix felt different somehow, like, a little intimate.
"One time, in my teenage, my mom heard me sing something in sleep. It could've been Taylor Swift honestly."

Felix laughed, "omg I love Taylor. Bangchan got me addicted to her lyrics ever since he covered "ME!" With Tzuyu."
I nodded excitedly and we kept talking about western music and how it influenced him growing up, slowly noticing my heartbeat becoming calmer and comfortable around him.

[Writer's note : hi everyone!!
I'm a baby stay, literally has been two weeks that I've been a stay but I'm so inspired by them. Felix is my bias but honestly they're all just so special.
This is a very mushy and emotional fanfic where you will form a bond with Felix slowly but surely. And you will remain gender neutral which is important for me.
Also,  I am in no way implying that I actually know the stray kids personally. Whatever I've written about their experiences are completely fiction, I mean them no criticism. I only admire them. I hope you enjoy this eventual mushy story of falling in love with Felix.]

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