What do you feel for me?

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Writer's narration
It has been a month since you called Felix sunshine and his hug saved your life. Now everytime you see each other, your friendship grows into this beautiful bond.
He is sweet to everyone and you're not trying to claim him as special or anything, you're just lucky to be in the circle of kindness and positive aura that he seems to radiate.
It is impossible to not crave it more. You were afraid to admit that you craved him. His soft touch here and there, his eyes never maintaining contact for more than a few seconds, and that smile. You loved his canines slipping out, as well as his tongue.
"Stop it", you told yourself before going back to work. Today was vlive day. Hyunjin, Felix and Han were doing a q & a together and it was going well.
They were saying they loved stay and giving them flying kisses.
Never have you ever wanted to be a camera so badly.
It was a long day. They had schedule back to back, even though they had fun, it was still duty as long as the camera was on. Now they are finally relaxing, showering or taking a nap. You tried to keep yourself busy on other members so you think about Felix less.
You see Minho walking upto you. "Heyy", you waved.
"Heyyy, dude I just want to sleep. " He exclaimed.
You smiled, "I know what can cheer you up. Mochi? Any flavour you want."
He nodded softly and then lied back down on the cold floor. You felt really bad for them being so tired.

I'm soo glad they rested well and are cheered up now. The hyung line is already back at work, playing around with new music and the maknae are playing video games with Felix. I feel good just knowing that today went perfectly well and soon I can go home as well.
I just have an hour worth of footage to edit. In addition to being a backup dancer, I sometimes help them edit stuff too, passes my time and also my salary increased because of it. All thanks to Felix and Seungmin.
Speaking of, Seungmin is coming towards me with a sassy smile on his face, "did you go and say goodnight to him yet?"
I roll my eyes, "I don't know who you're talking about."
"I guess that one boy with the deepest voice. What's his name again..."? He teased.
I hit him softly in the arms and start walking towards Felix's room. I never go home without checking up on him now, everyone sort of accepted it. Some graciously, some ignore it and some, well, tease us for it.
I chose this time because now he is alone probably. I start to knock on his door but he doesn't answer.
After waiting a minute, I knock again and to my surprise, the door was already open and I see Felix, his headphone on his ears.
I smile and walk towards him but his face made me freeze. Felix was in tears.
Now he saw me and embarrassed, he wiped his eyes. I fumble, "I'm so sorry, i shouldn't have come in.."
But before I can go out, he takes my hand. I turn towards him and he lets go of me.
"Don't worry about me", he says in a weak voice, trying to smile.
This breaks my heart into a million pieces.
I sit on the ground because he was sitting on his bed and I look into his eyes, "how can I not worry Felix? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
He nods and scoffs, "yeah yeah, it's all good". His Aussie accent slips out.
"Please tell me Felix. I won't tell anyone you know." I beg him.
F, "Look, it's not a big deal. Today at the vlive, someone said they liked my makeup and my favourite thing about me was my voice and hair."
I look at him, puzzled, "You do have amazing hair and your deep voice, um ,well, it's attractive."
He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.
I now think that I'm gonna have to be brave if I wanna help him, so I take both his hands inside mine and look into his eyes again.
"Please tell me what about that comment hurt your feelings? I really want to understand."
F, "you're so sweet Y/N.... I wish people liked me more for who I am."
He paused for about 30 seconds before saying, "I don't wanna be a pretty face, I want to be known for my talent and hard work."
Now I understand. I think about it for a minute and say, "what if it's both?"
He tilts his head again and waits for me to finish, his expression much less sad now and just patient.
"I think you're one of the most beautiful people I've met in real life. And i won't lie to you, beauty matters. But, have you never thought about why people adore you?
It might be 10% fr your looks because when they see you, they can't look away. When you speak, they wanna hear you again.
But they don't know that you baked me cookies because I accidentally dropped mine on a puddle. They don't know that everytime Han forgets a line, you sing it for him immediately before Bangchan can notice.
And most importantly, they do know your kindness. You teach them about life, about work, about the importance of staying honest and those vlive comments also say how much you helped them.
That was all you and your personality. They love you for you looks, sure, but not only that. They love you more and more everyday for your wonderful self. "
I finished speaking and I saw his cheeks were bright red. He had tears that fell down but now he is not crying anymore. He looked emotional.
It was pindrop silence until he broke it.
"Them, or you?"
I asked, "what?"
Felix looked at my eyes with so much intensity that I was afraid he'd see right inside my soul and asked,"Do you really feel all those things about me? So many deep things... I never saw it... What do you feel for me, Y/N?"

 What do you feel for me, Y/N?"

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