Almost lost you

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Felix POV
It is really important to me that I go on this tour as prepared as possible. The date is closing in on me and all I can think about is, not seeing my family and also disappointing stays. Stays are such a place of comfort for me and all I want is for them to be proud of me.
I overthink all the time about my performance but the members and the crew help me a bunch. Everytime I have a meaningful conversation with one of them, like I had with Y/N yesterday, fills me with gratitude.
I won't let them down. I know I can do it right.
Today Bangchan asked me to keep an eye on the floor because they will record a dance practice of some new surprise video.. not even we know what it is but I'm excited.
I saw the maknaes practice all night while the hyungs all stays up late, asking for coffee and I saw Hyunjin almost break down at one point because he wasn't feeling well. They're working so hard and it breaks my heart to see them sad.
I've never seen Felix express so much concern for something before, feels like they're breaking their backs trying to make this work.
I wish I could take their pain away. The whole crew tried to make them happy by decorating the place they eat with yellow flowers, smileys and at a point I saw Felix wipe tears because of it.
I really wanted to give him a hug. Genuinely.

Two hours before the shoot, they were all dressing casually when I noticed that the jacket Felix is supposed to wear, has wrinkles in them, so I took it out to iron it well. I think to myself, "he will look like an angel today". Ironing it carefully, I fold it and put it back on the chair I found it on. Then I went to the kitchen and forgot about the whole thing.
Right now I'm just waiting for them to finish yoga and feel better about their fitness, so that they can dance more flexibly.
Suddenly Hyunjin yells, "why is this denim jacket looking flat? It was supposed to be fluffy??"
My face started going red and I hung my head low.
Hyunjin looked around the room and the minute his eyes met mine, he could tell from my guilty eyes it was me.
He took a step forward and I instinctively stepped back.
He asked point blank, "did you iron it just now?? Y/N? Please just tell the truth." His voice almost calm but i could tell it was shaking.
"I'm so so sorry Hyu...."
Before he could say anything, Changbin stomped his foot on the ground loudly and walked away from the room, shutting the door very loudly. I shuddered and my eyes, even though I didn't want it to, started tearing up and all I wanted to do was disappear.
My shoulders violently shook in my attempt to not cry. After what felt like an eternity but was only 30 seconds, I looked up at Felix, expecting nothing but anger, but he just looked sad.
He shook his head at the ground, looked at me once and then went to Hyunjin, talking to him quietly.
I slowly walked away from the room, ready to pack up. Since I'm getting fired, the only thing I was sad about was I let them down, especially Felix. I think I lost him. I could tell even his kindness cannot save me now.

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