Does that mean I get to come with you two to Manchester ?

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"There !" Exclaimed Lylah as an alert flashed on the screen, "1835, Manchester England." The teenager made a face, this was not a time she was particularly looking forward to visit.
"Can we go back to the part where you stole time bureau software ?" Asked Ava both proud and concerned, but her daughter brushed the question away, focusing on the map.
"I um- I have a team if you need help, or just me if you don't need any more." The co-captain hesitated, she hated the thought of potentially putting her daughter in danger but also knew there was no way she'd convince her to stay put.
"No need to involve your team. There's a stash house a couple of hours from here, we can get a carrier there."
"Cool, okay." The teenager's face remained neutral but excitement could be read in her eyes, Sara was taken aback with how much she resembled Ava in this moment.
The three women made their way to the stash house, a tense silence in the car.
"Damn it" swore Sara, " it's dead."
Lylah sighed and hoped her mom wouldn't get mad at what she was about to say, " there's an old time government warehouse not too far, it has first generation time bureau equipment in the basement."
The taller blonde raised an eyebrow as if to ask : do I even wanna know ? But Lylah simply shook her head and led them out, earning a chuckle from captain Lance. Which in turn earned her a glance from her girlfriend, Ava wasn't exactly surprised but she had forgotten how her daughter could be. Lylah loved rule breaking just as much as her mother loved rule following.
As they approached the building Ava couldn't hold it in anymore, "alright, I have to ask..."
Lylah rolled her eyes but a small smile appeared on her face : " I stumbled upon the warehouse on accident, I swear ! I had a feeling it was government owned but couldn't find which agency and there was no mainframe to hack into so I just kinda- you know, broke in to take a peek." The teenager grinned brightly at her mother, seemingly proud of herself.
"Breaking and entering, is that like an habit of yours ?"
She shrugged, "only when deemed necessary, or when I'm bored. Don't worry, I've never gotten caught."
At these words Sara smiled, mini-Sharpe was quickly becoming one of her favorite persons.

"Don't even think about it, Sara."
Warned Ava, drawing an offended gasp from her girlfriend who tried to deny it.
"So you weren't thinking about all the places you two could potentially break into for fun ?"
Sara didn't bother arguing, her co-captain knew her too well, instead she simply smiled at Lylah- who much to the captain's surprise returned it.
"If breaking in is out of the question ? How do you propose we get in then ?"

Ava agreed -just this once- to let her daughter pick the locks, mostly because she wanted to see her at work, they had trained and sparred together when the twins were younger but she had never been in the field with either of them.

The girl led them to a sub basement where the time travel equipment was stored, "this lock was a bit tricky the first time around but I've dealt with harder, I broke into the pentagon once so..." Lylah trailed off realizing what she had just said. God, couldn't she just stop talking already.
Ava did not sound amused, "you and I are going to have a very serious conversation once this is over."
Her tone let no room for argument and Lylah knew better than to try. Admittedly she could tell her mom to just get lost but truth is she was happy that she cared enough to be angry right now.  Plus that meant that her mother was planning on seeing her again, the girl had been scared she might now.

"Does that mean I get to come with you two to Manchester ?"
"Please mom ?" The teenager pleaded with an attempt at puppy dog eyes which made Ava laugh. Her daughter was indeed adorable but much to old for this to work.
"Fine but don't mess around and stick with us."
Lylah fought the urge to roll her eyes, her mother seemed to be forgetting that she was a trained field agent.

They all stood in front of the portal, imputing coordinates. And Lylah briefly took hold of her mother's hands as they stepped through.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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