"they never really came back"

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Ava turned away from Sara, unsure whether or not she was ready to tell her story, maybe if she asked, Ava would feel like she had to tell her. But Sara didn't ask, as it was solely Ava's decision to talk about the past, even though Captain Lance couldn't help but wonder why Ava never mentioned them before. 

Ava straightened her back and looked up to Sara, she wanted to tell her, just wasn't sure how, but maybe telling Sara would make her heart a little lighter. 

"They were agents too, not for the time bureau though, I didn't want to stop them from doing what they loved but I couldn't bear having them under my orders and sending them on the field myself, knowing how dangerous it could be. They were ISA agents, real good, the best actually, despite only being kids when they joined." Started Ava, Sara noticed that she was talking about them in the past, what had happened to them ? She didn't ask, Ava would tell her when she felt ready.

"A year ago, they were sent to Russia for a infiltration mission, they were the ISA elite duo, always got the hardest and most dangerous jobs..." Ava's voice started to break, the last words came out as a whisper between tears : "They never really came back."

Sara thanked Ava for trusting her with her story, then proceeded to rock her gently until she calmed down. Later that night, Sara learned that Maeve did pass away in Russia, Lylah, on the other hand survived, barely. Since that day she had completely shut down, moved away and buried herself into work or training, but most of all she hadn't talk to her mom since the funeral. 

One of Ava's daughters had died on the field but she had lost both of them that day. Sara didn't know what to say, nothing she could have said would make Ava feel better, only one person could help Ava, and no matter how hard she wanted to be this person, Sara knew she wasn't. She would do anything to help her girlfriend and, take upon herself to reunite them. Sara didn't know anything about Lylah but one thing she knew was just how much her mother loved and missed her, and she could only imagine how miserable the teenager had felt for the past year.

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