1| Misty

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I held up my index finger to her, indicating for her to hold on while I finished the frosting on the cupcakes. Just like every other weekend, I was trying out a new cake recipe, somehow that is turning into a weekend ritual.

"My answer still remains the same Lola." I continued as I disposed the nitrile gloves I had on.

"Misty please," she pouted, before making a sad face. "You do know that won't work on me right?" I arched a brow at her and she sighed in defeat.

"I promise to help with the barter and frosting." I rolled my eyes at her.

"More like you promise to help lick the barter, and frosting." She looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights as I eyed the cupcake she took behind my back.

"I forgot you were gonna take a picture." she chuckled warily, putting it back in place and I sighed at her. "You see why I don't believe you when you say you're gonna help with the cupcakes," I said.

"No no, I swear, I'd do whatever it is you tell me to. You want me to whisk the egg, measure the flour, or even mix the frosting without licking it, I promise I will do everything right." She rushed out and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Why on earth did you even agree to making 60 cupcakes for your course mates?" I still don't get why she agreed to such a ridiculous thing, knowing fully well she won't be the one to bake it.

"I know, I know I'm sorry. I just couldn't say no when Rick's first word to me is to help with the cupcakes." Rick is another one of Lola's many eye candies. She's been trying to get him to notice her since freshman year and it seems like he finally did. "I promise to binge watch Suits with you if you help me just this once." She pouted and held out her index finger to me.

"We both know you're bluffing." I called her out, not a single bit affected by her puppy face.

"Ok fine, maybe you are right." She said meekly. "We can binge watch any other movie together, but not Suits. That movie is fucking old." She continued and I chuckled at her.

"But you can't deny it's a good movie, and it's worth the watch." I said as I took out my phone to get some pictures of the cupcakes.

"Yeah it is, no doubt about that." She agreed. "So you're gonna help me right?"

"I never said I would." I sang out, paying no mind to her as I moved to get the perfect angle for my pictures.

"Can't you help a friend just this once, hmmm?" I could see her from the corner of my eyes spotting another one of her not-so-good puppy face.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" I sighed as I put down my phone, taking the nozzles and piping bags to the sink for washing.

"Definitely not." she said.

"Fine." I groaned as she squealed, doing a little happy dance. "Buh you know I have to go to work tomorrow right?"

"Well good thing it isn't tomorrow then." She said with a wink.

"Isn't Kaylee supposed to be back like an hour ago?" I said, suddenly remembering the third of our trio.

Kaylee and I met in freshman year and bonded in our favorite coffee shop, Coffee Republic. I was taking a break from the busy streets of New York, still not quite used to the rush then. I had my face buried in one of my many triple-x novels when I heard someone sit next to me, noisily might I ask.

I was still debating whether to tell her to keep it down, or endure it when I heard her say, "Nothing energizes me like black coffee," she moaned before continuing. "I should have just listened when Ma told me to chose a much easier course. I'm still a freshman yet I barely get any ME time." She groaned loudly and I couldn't help but chuckle, gaining her attention in the process.

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