3| Misty

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"Ooh, I smell cupcakes." Those were the first words Lola said as she entered. I was baking her the cupcakes since she was to give them tomorrow. Thankfully, I have today free, so I could bake them with ease.

She stretched her hands forward, about to reach for a cupcake when Kaylee tapped her hard.

"Ouch, what's that's for?" She rubbed her hands, glaring at Kay.

"Misty said not to eat them,"

"But she's baking them for me." Lola huffed, not particularly annoyed, those two sometimes behave like kids.

"That doesn't mean you get to eat them when I've been here minutes ago, helping out so I get to eat some." Kaylee pouted.

"Yeah, I do. Misty?" She called, asking for me to back her up.

"No no, you don't get to call me, not after you ditched me last minute at the baker's shop, after you promised to help." I was left to carry all the ingredients myself since Lola decided not to show up.

"I'm sorry. I only just found out last minute that we were to have another class."

"Yeah, yeah." I waved her off. "Just help me mix the frosting when you're done washing up."

"Yes ma'am." She said, taking a cupcake to spite Kay.

"Oooh, I've got news for you." Kaylee said to Lola and I rolled my eyes at her. I already knew what she was onto.

"Come on, spill." Lola's eyes glinted with excitement. Those girls sure love to gossip.

"Misty scored herself a man."

"Shut the fuck up!" Lola screeched and Kay glared at her, covering her ears to stop her eardrums from bursting. That serves her right.

"Stop screeching like a fucking banshee if you want to hear the full story." That got her to keep her mouth shut and I rolled my eyes at how compliant she immediately became. "Guess who?" Kay continued. "Maxwell fucking Anderson."

"What! You don't fucking mean it!" Lola screeched again.

"Stop fucking screeching like a fucking banshee!" Kay shouted back and I simply ignored them. I'm pretty much used to their annoying selves now.

"Bitch how did you get so fucking lucky?!" Lola continued, completely ignoring Kay. Lola is totally the worst person you could ask to babysit for you, reason is; she swears a lot.

"Guess what she said next?" Kay continued. "She fucking asked who he is!" I rolled my eyes at both of them. I'm pretty sure I've overstretched my extraocular muscles with how often they make me roll my eyes.

"Well in my defense, I really had no idea who he was. Not everyone is a basketball fanatic like you two."

"But still, how could you not know him, the whole school literally breathes basketball, and he's the fucking point guard,"

"-and captain." Kay completed. I only shrugged in response, not wanting to make them continue their screaming contest.

"What business does he have with you though?" Lola asked unsure.

"He needs a tutor." Kay answered.

"Okay," Lola turned to me. "But you don't tutor anymore, do you?" She drawled out.

"I had to go agree to a session with him." I came face to face with both of them, taking off my gloves. I knew I was gonna have this conversation with them nonetheless, but I can't go back on my word now, I already agreed to a session.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lola asked, her voice laced with concern.

"It's just one session, I'm sure I'd be fine." I answered, gazing between the both of them and silently praying for them to drop it. I honestly didn't need them to chastise me, I'm having enough internal battle with myself already, what I really need is their support.

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