Where is She?

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Y/N: let's get inside and place that mask in on one the faces of those statues.

Rose: the quickest we get those masks we fastest we get out of here.

the both of you got back inside the dinning room were the shotgun is.when you got inside Micheal words appeared again on one of the walls.you closed the door before standing behind her and listening to her speaking with Micheal.

Micheal: Rest....

Rose: we did that already!

Micheal:What's wrong?

Y/N: you know!

Rose: Everything! Non of this was supposed to happen.

Micheal: Why not leave?

Rose: No. the reason i came here hasn't changed. I need that crystal.

Micheal: Here( summoning a First Aid Med)

Rose:(taking it) Thank you. Come on Y/N let's get back to where the Crystal is and put this mask on one of them.

she said as she start walking to the door that is leading to the main Castle hall.but then you stopped her.

Y/N:hey Rose wait! here take some of my chest rigs.

Rose: no it's okay i can use the coat's pockets.

Y/N: those are way better and it will be easier for you to reach besides your mags wont drop out of your pocket if you run or fall.

Rose:(taking the chest rigs) all right .(putting them round her) you're right those will do great! thanks~.

after she finished placing her mags on the Chest rigs the both of you continued walking back to the castle main hall.as you were walking to the statues with your MP5 ready checking every corner.Rose then stopped in front of it and pulled the mask from her pocket.when she placed the mask a blue fire light up from one of a three the small fire pit that were around the statues.

when she placed the mask a blue fire light up from one of a three the small fire pit that were around the statues

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Rose: we are so close in getting that Crystal.all we have to do is to find the two other masks.

Y/N: there is a door that is blocked by one of those Cores i think we will find more like this.

Rose walked in front of it with a big smile on her face and start waving her hand over the Core.

Rose: Allow me to do this...aaand after you.

Y/N: you look like you are enjoying using your powers are you sure you want to remove them.

Rose: No! i'm not enjoying using them! and yeah! I'm sure that i want them removed!.

Y/N: all right calm down just let me lead the way this time.

when you opened the door and walked down the stairs you start checking every corner.it was hard for the both of you to explore the rest of the rooms because they were blocked by mold.

the Shadow of Rose: Rose x HUNk male readerWhere stories live. Discover now