Aestheticc-Meme: Alex x Male Reader

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<All characters are 18 years or older, Alex is from Aestheticc-Meme.>

My life was pretty normal, normal 9-5 job, decent apartment and the best part being my Russian girlfriend Alex. She was the one who wore the pants in the relationship, she asked me out after being friends for a few years, she invited me to live with her and she is the one who starts the "action" majority of the time. I care very much for her so when she texted me she needed my help I immediately stop and head to the bath room she is in. I open to door to see a tall muscular man so I immediately try to wrestle him to the ground thinking he broke into my home and tried to hurt Alex.

 I open to door to see a tall muscular man so I immediately try to wrestle him to the ground thinking he broke into my home and tried to hurt Alex

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"(Y/n)! Wait is me Alex! Stop please!"

I stop and move myself back to get some room between me and the stranger. I get a better look at his face to see he looks like Alex, the beautiful emerald eyes, the beauty mark on his right cheek and the same hair style.

"What's going on? Who are you?!"

He stands up, putting his hands up to show no aggression.

"(Y/n), I don't know what happened but it's still me Alex."

Obviously this could just be some mentally deranged man who broke into my house saying he's Alex but he looks way too much like Alex to say for certain he wasn't.

"Prove it! Tell me something only Alex would know."

He gives a soft smile.

"Remember our second date, when I took you to the movies to watch Aliens? Remember those girls tried hitting on you while you were getting popcorn and when I grabbed onto you like a bear telling them to fuck off from my man?"

I blush remembering that, she was very protective of me but maybe he's just a guy who saw it happen.

"After the movie I wanted to award you with doing me anal style for being loyal but you being my polite little milyy didn't want to hurt me."

Ok he's Alex, also she's the only one who calls me milyy, Russian for cute as she taught me.

"Honey, what happened? Why do you look like a guy now?

She? He? Looked down shrugging his shoulders before looking back at me.

"I don't know! I was taking a shower then somehow my tits were gone not I've got a cock and balls almost as big as yours but thankfully my bubble butt is still here."

She always had a comedic way of dealing with serious situations.

"Did you eat something? Or some sort of medication side effect?"

To be honest it sounds very dumb to think there some logical explanation for an almost impossibly hot girl to become a muscular yet feminine in a day.

"No, I don't know what caused this."

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