A swap

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Note: this came to me today and i feel like no one is really talking about it. So here it. A bit of Whitaker!Master x Yaz.

Doctor's POV:
Here I am helpless. I am trapped in a box the Master in his new clothes and look telling me that he is gonna do a force regeneration into me. Ha like he can but he can. I am scared not for me but for Yaz. He is going to be in control of my body and he could spill my feelings for Yaz. Oh god now I feel it. Me and him swapping. "YAZ!" I yell before I move into his body.

Yaz's POV:
I slowly open the Tardis door and I see the two timelords. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DOCTOR!" I run up to the Master in my Doctor's clothes. "I am right here darling." My eyes move over to her. Oh my god. She's made me fall for her even more now I don't care if she good or bad. "Doctor." I whisper hoping that a little bit of her is still in there. She lets a cruel evil laugh. "Now what's my name. Say my name Yaz." She storms at me and grabs onto my jacket. "M-master." I say softy and she smirks. "Kneel for your master love." She whispers. I look at her shocked. "You heard what your Master said. Kneel. Now." She said sternly. I nod and slowly go down on my knees and she follows me to on her knees too. She's so far called me Love and Darling. Wow. "Good pet." She whispers. Her eyes are full of cold and evil. "I am gonna get you back I promise Doc- I mean Master."I mess up on my words and revive a slap right across the face. I let out a whimper. Suddenly another Tardis appears. The "Master" grabs me and hustles me into the her Tardis and pushes me and sits me a chair and ties my hands up behind my back. This isn't like the Doctor. "Stay there. Don't move a muscle and don't say anything." She breaths before running off deep in the Tardis before returning in a new fit. Red lipstick, a silky red blouse, black leather pants, black blazer and black boots. My mouth gawped open. "Aww lookie I made Yaz gawp her mouth at the sight a me. Yay." She clapped her hands like a maniac. Suddenly she stumbled back holding her head. "Owwww." She muttered before resuming back to the control panel. "I know your in pain, let me help I can get you back. I promise." I begged before she turned on her heel. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING." She thundered her whole eyes just saw rage and storm. "Sorry." I whispered and she nodded. "I know you like me." She said so forward. I stayed silent I don't want to even know what she had up her sleeves to do to me. This was going to be a very long day.

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