Graveyard date

605 7 1

AN// (y/n) your name, (y/e/c) your eye color,(y/h/c) your hair color,(y/h/l) your hair length  (y/f/f) your favorite flowers, (y/f/s) your favorite snacks
"C'mon babe can't you tell me where we're going?" You said trying to get arny to tell you where you two were going. Arny laughs "no then that would ruin the surprise my love." Arny had told you earlier that evening that he had a surprise for you, after getting in his car he made you put a blindfold on when you two were only a few minutes away from where you two were going. "We're here." Arny said in a sing-songy tone. "Are you ready?" He asked excitedly "yes my darling I am." You answered back with an equal amount of excitement.

"3 2 1...." He took off your blindfold and the sight you saw was absolutely breathtaking, he had set up candles, a blanket, a picnic basket, a bundle of (y/f/f), and a laptop. He had set up this beautiful display in a graveyard one of the places you said you've always wanted to have a spooky romantic picnic, he actually listened to you that fact alone made your heart melt. "Babe this is... absolutely lovely thank you love bug." You embraced Arny in a warm hug he wrapped his arms around your head cause of how short you were.

He replied "you're welcome my love you've been so stressed this past week so I decided to do something to help you destress."  You and arny sit down and he hands you (y/f/s). He presses play on the laptop and mha starts playing, what could be more romantic then sitting in a graveyard with the man you love watching one of your favorite animes? The answer is nothing could be more romantic then  this.

You and arny watch mha and eat snacks for what felt like a life time but when you checked your phone it was 4am you and arny had been watching mha for 4 hours. You told this fact to arny and he seemed shocked so you two started to pack up your little date. "This was so nice arny I really enjoyed this." You told arny while packing up "you're welcome my love anything to help my person destress."  Arny pulled you into a passionate kiss you reciprocated the action,You two finished packing up and put everything in arny's car. You and arny drove back home and fell asleep in each other's arms you couldn't imagine a more kind, caring, sweet, and absolutely adorable boyfriend then arny.
AN/ hey friends it's been awhile I missed writing these lil fluff arny blurbs! If anyone has any suggestions for future chapters feel free to give your ideas and you will be properly credited for your idea. I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night drink water, eat something (no energy drinks aren't a meal neither is coffee), and get some sleep. Z signing off!

Birlap_ (Arny) imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें