"Wait you're in love with me?!"

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Y/n{your name}

You have been friends with Arny,Danny,Pete,and Brandon for 2 years, in that time you've grown close to them growing a great friendship with each of them but you're friendship with arny was...different to say the least. Fans of his and yours shipped you 2 together it was pretty awkward at first and you both claimed to be "just friends.". It was more then that tho to you at least you had a fascination with him for a long time and slowly you caught feelings for him but did he feel the same way?.

" hey y/n?" Arny snapped you out of your thoughts " yeah what's up arny?" You replied. "You zoned out again you've been like that all day is something wrong?" Arny asked with a soft expression on his face " oh I'm just in my own head yk how I get." You told him in a reassuring tone. He smiled at you before turning around to find Danny in the giant crowd of con attendees.

You looked at your phone it was almost time to go back to the hotel and try to get some sleep before the second day of the con tomorrow. "Hey y/n we should get going back to the hotel." Danny said "okay coming." You replied back  you and the guys walked back to the hotel where you guys took off your cosplays and just hung out. Arny pulled you out on the balcony of the hotel room and asked you "hey are you sure you were okay at the con today you seemed distracted and distant?" You replied " yeah I'm fine,I just don't like crowds of people you know that." You finished your reply with a smile arny looked at you with a look that had the tone of " you're not telling the whole truth" you and arny talked about a lot really jumping to topic after topic...then he said something that made you stop your train of thought. " I think I'm in love with you y/n." "Wait...what?" You replied trying to hold in your feelings. " yeah I've been thinking about it for awhile and I think I'm in love with you." He turned his attention towards you " wait you love me?!" You replied with a shocked tone and expression stunned at his confession. " yeah I think you are the most attractive person in the world y/n." He said with a adoring smile " I didn't know you felt this way or even reciprocated my feelings for you." You said still in a state of shock " yeah of course I do why wouldn't I? You have the most amazing smile, you're super charismatic, you have a contagious laugh and sense of humor, and you are so kind,sweet,and most of all you are so caring and thoughtful." You smiled with  the biggest grin. " can I kiss you y/n?" "Of course you can pretty boy." You said playfully, you both leaned in for a kiss and you guys made contact with the most lovely kiss you've ever experienced. As you and arny  turned around to look back at the room you saw Danny standing there in the doorway " knew it." Danny said smiling. All three of you laughed danny walked away, you and arny spent the rest of the night star gazing and talking about everything and anything on your minds.

Hey it's Z ik I've not updated this in a while but I'm hopefully going to be back. I stopped updating because of medical issues but I'm back right now so expect more oneshots for yours truly!

Birlap_ (Arny) imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें