Clip: To Play Blue's Clues (IN NYC)!

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Even though Josh and Blue didn't have their Handy-Dandy notebook, that wouldn't really stop them from playing Blue's Clues. "It'll be fine, Blue." Josh hugged Blue softly, "We can still play Blue's Clues, just...maybe without our notebook this time?" "Really? Okay." Blue replied, still a little unsure on how they'd do this without their notebook.

Blue: To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find a...
Josh: Handprint! Yes, a handprint. And that's our first...
Blue: Clue!
Josh: Yeah, a clue.
Blue: And then, we put it in our...
Josh: Notebook!
Blue: Yep.
🎶 We put it in our...notebook. 🎶 (Becomes sad again) Our...Handy-Dandy...Notebook.

"It's gonna be okay, Blue." Josh reminded his friend, "I know you really miss that notebook, about we try to improvise?" "Improvise? What's that mean?" Blue asked. "Well, Blue, to improvise is to find something else to use if you lost something. You know, like our notebook." Josh explained, "So instead of our notebook, we can use...our minds! We could remember the clues better that way." "Wow...our Handy-Dandy...minds. It kinda doesn't fit, but I'll try it." Blue said as the two continued their song.

Josh: 🎶 We put it in our notebook! 🎶
Which we don't have.
🎶 Cause they're whose clues? 🎶
Josh and Blue: 🎶 Blue's Clues! 🎶
Blue: Yeah!

Blue: 🎶 We gotta find the next handprint.
Cause that's the second clue.
We put it in our notebook! 🎶
Josh: If we had one!
🎶 Cause they're whose clues? 🎶
Josh and Blue: 🎶 Blue's Clues! 🎶

Blue: 🎶 We gotta find the last handprint.
Cause that's the third clue.
So, we put it in our notebook! 🎶
Josh: Or not!
🎶 Cause they're whose clues? 🎶
Josh and Blue: 🎶 Blue's Clues! 🎶

Blue: We know what to do!
Josh: 🎶 We'll sit down in our Thinking Chair... 🎶

But then Josh and Blue realized...they forgot to bring their Thinking Chair along for the trip (I mean, it makes sense, because that thing is HUGE). So they tried to improvise, and went to find a new one. They searched everywhere. In Times Square, at the Statue Of Liberty, and even at the library. But just as they were about to give up, they finally saw it up on some grey steps.

Josh and Blue: (gasp) The Thinking Chair.
(Blue runs over to the Thinking Chair, with Josh beside her. She gets on it and starts nuzzling it.)
Blue: Ah, I've missed you, Thinking Chair! You're just got those red spirals, and you're so fluffy, and soft, and—
Josh: Blue?
(Blue turns to see Josh with a deadpan look on his face.)
Josh: Aren't we supposed to...
Blue: Oh, right! I'm sorry, Josh. It's just...I wanna hug it!
(She hugs the chair tight. Josh chuckles as he joins in.)
Josh: I know, Blue. I felt like hugging it too.

Josh and Blue: 🎶 We'll sit down in our Thinking Chair...and think, think, think!
Cause if you use your mind,
And take a step at a time,
You can do anything that you wanna do! 🎶
———————————-————————————Help Blue and Josh think like they've never thought before in Blue's Big City Adventure! - The Fan Version!
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