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The Pure Carp Stone shone brightly. Its orange and yellow hues glittered in the darkness of the abyss-like cavern. Blooming leech drooped from the entrance,after all,it was always like so in fruitfall and bloom.

In the LilyClan camp,the cats were sharing tounges before the entire clan drifted asleep and only the breathing of the members was heard.
Patchnose sat beside Bluebreeze and Frogcry.
"I better be headed to my nest,tomorrow is going to be a rough day. I have to go on a very,very long patrol at sunhigh." Meowed Bluebreeze,avoiding to show any emotion. The stars shone more than ever,the trio noticed,before Frogcry lowered her head once more.
" You're no fun! " She complained. " You always say that,but are filled with energy in the morning! "
As the two cats argued and argued,Patchnose looked back to the night sky,to the Pure Carp Constelation,but something seemed wrong — Instead of keeping one countinous light,it was flashing.
Something is disturbing the stone! Patchnose puzzled,and looked back at Frogcry and Bluebreeze,who were still insulting each other.
The tortoiseshell shook her head,and looked back at the constelation,worried of what may come. Greencough? Death? Invasions? She huffed,her ears flat against her skull.

Beyond The Cavern/UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now