Chapter 2 : Friend

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TW: Panic attack

Adoras POV:

I woke up and all I felt was Pain, Hung over from Mermistas Party last night and smelling like I threw up on myself. I hit my Alarm and it showed 07:03, making me consider skipping school.

The voice of my mom kills that plan right away "Adora you up?"

"Yeah....kind of" I answer lazily and get up to drag myself to the Bathroom before I puke from my own smell.

My mom, Mara Carrero adopted me four years ago when i was twelve and I could not be more grateful to her. She wanted to have a Child with her Wife for years and said she fell for me when she met me.

After the shower, i get dressed and go downstairs "Morning mom"

"good mo...ok you look like shit" Mara says, never mincing her words as usual "Mermistas party went wild hmm?"

"yeah kinda" i answer, grabbing a bowl and Cereal

"You promised Adora not to go to far with did you get home? because if you tell me you were driving while under t..."

"NO never mom ...Andrew dropped me off. I had a few to many but i wasn't like blackout drunk, i'm not THAT dumb"

Mara has her hands on her head "i trust you Adora...i just worry" she hugs me and i hug her back

"I know but i would never drink and drive, i promised you"

Mara lost her Wife just a year ago to a drunk Driver so she would freak out if i ever would do this. Breaking the Hug i say "sorry but i gotta run or i'm gonna be late"

"got ya but at least eat something Adora" she says, wiping a few Tears that had gathered in her eyes.

I quickly finish my Cereal, put on some black Vans and head out "See you later. Love you mom"

"Love you too, drive save honey"

I got in my old Jeep that Mara got me not too long ago to celebrate my 16th birthday and me getting my License.

Parking at School was always a nightmare but today it was....far worse. After a 4th round i give up and Park in a nearby spot that is just a short walk to school. I barely make it to my first class and regret not skipping "today is gonna suuuuuuck" i think when i hear the Bell.


After Biology, it's finally lunch but Mr Hordak tells me to put away some stuff from HIS class and walks out before I can even complain about it..."yeah you better run bitch" I mumble but do as he told me.

When I made it to lunch I was about to ask Glimmer if she wanted to skip the rest of the day when I noticed someone I didn't know, sitting with my Friends. When she looked up with one Eye the color of the Sun and one Azure blue it felt like lightning pulsed though my body..."Catra" i say interrupting Glimmer, trying to introduce me to my best friend.

My Body moves before i can help it and I throw her on the ground in a Bear hug.

Talking with her again makes me realize how much i've missed her. She is wearing a black tank top, skinny jeans and a maroon zip up jacket that fit her perfectly. One thing that was new was a tattoo on her neck but I could not see all of it. When i was about to ask her about it the Bell rang and i barely had time to invite her to hang out later.


School is finally done and i rush to the Parking lot but Catra was still not there so i wait until i hear a voice "Hey Adora" sadly it was not Catra

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