Caught in the snow

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Aemond x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

The air was cool and brisk. Not unpleasantly so if you kept moving but cold enough that you didn't want to stop. "Milady!" The guard hurried along behind you on his own horse. He couldn't keep up but tried his best to catch you as you sped along the grassy expanse next to Rosby road.

The horse was a gift from King Viserys. There had been a large festival that everyone had attended. A fine young palfrey bought at Rhaenyra's request by her father. Rhaenyra had her arm linked with yours, Joffrey on her hip while Jace led the way towards the horse pens as Luke held your hand. There was one horse, young and clearly not broken in the corner. It was so grey and black that it looked blue. Though it had only one eye and a crooked ear on the opposite side you were quite taken with it.

Upon finding out that the breeder had simply brought it for dragon fodder you became so distressed that it was quickly fetched for you.

It had taken hard work but the horse was faster and rode smoother than many of the Princes or princesses' horses. You slowed our horse as you looked up at the sky. It had darkened suddenly and tried to spot a dragon overhead. But just as suddenly as the sky grew dark, icy cold rain started to put down. By the time your guard had caught up with you, it was heavy snow, falling so fast that you couldn't see your way no matter which way you turned.

"Milady! We should turn back." His voice was almost drowned out. Agreeing you both turned back the way you'd come. At least you thought you had. With the snow so thick it was hard to see too far in front of you with the grey mist that obscured everything.

"The horses can't get through the snow. We have to find a place to stay." Your guard called. When you turned back to tell him there was a tavern not too far off a side road, you realised you couldn't see him anymore. Getting down off your horse you tried to lead it one further forward. Something overhead spooked the horse which reared and surged backwards, reins slipping from your hands as the mist and snow flurry swallowed it up.

"(Y/N)!" a voice called. You jumped as a mass of dragon came down into view and Aemond climbed down from Vaghar. "Get on!" He demanded as he got closer. Try as you might to step forwards your legs moved back, away from Vaghar who seemed most displeased to be caught in the snowstorm. When he couldn't urge you forward Vaghar turned. The snow beneath her melted and led a muddy path through the woods. Resigning himself to not getting you on her back. Aemond grumbled loudly enough that you could hear as he came over. He heaved you over his shoulder despite objections and followed after Vhagar who headed towards a cliffside and flew off into the air. As she took off he spotted a small cabin.

Once inside he started to help himself to the firewood, starting a fire.

"We should go back along the road. It shouldn't take too long." You said, staying by the door, feeling uneasy being in someone's home without welcome.

"We won't make it and it was hard enough to get Vhagar out here to find you." He grumbled. Gesturing to the fire he indicated for you to sit next to him.

"Won't the people that live here need their firewood and food?" You asked as he looked through the baskets on the table and found something to eat.

"Right now we need it. I'm sure they'll find more." Aemond said firmly. The sky grew darker with every passing moment and you eventually fell asleep by the fire having eaten some toasted bread. You woke to the sound of people shouting and calling for prince Aemond. Though he was nowhere to be seen you managed to get out of the cabin. A path had been cleared leaving a drift of snow on either side of the door.

"Overhear!" Someone called and a group hurried up to you. A carriage was on the road and it just about managed to get through the snow as you were whisked back to the castle. Worrying about where Aemond could have gone to, about your horse and poor guard, you found the time passed rather quickly. As the red keep loomed over you the carriage drew to a stop. Dear Helena rushed out to pull the door open and fussed you down the stairs. Her feet were bare and she clung to you.

"Oh (Y/N)! I thought you'd perished!" She said, sounding relieved as she hurried you inside. Alicent was hurrying down the corridor.

"Where is Aemond?" She demanded.

"I-I don't know. He was gone when I woke up and when I went outside the guards found me." You explained. She looked more furious and shook her head.

"But surely he would not have just left you." Alicent insisted.

"Mother!" Helena hissed and pulled you off towards her rooms. While Alicent continued to question you and became rather upset that you began to simply give her the same answers over and over, Helena had the fire lit, warm soup and bread brought up to you. A change of clothes was brought and you were rushed into bed under all the blankets that could be found. Helena sat next to you on the bed while plush pillows were piled behind you. She insisted you ate at least a spoonful of soup and after one you found that you really were rather hungry.

When a fever came Alicent sat on the other side and pressed a cold cloth to your head. The fever broke in the night and by morning there was a cry throughout the castle.

Wet, cold and irritated, Aemond came up towards the castle with your dear horse in two and a rather sickly guard on his own horse. Once he was fussed over and brought inside he came to check on you.

"They found you. Good. I was worried when I came back." He admitted. He tried to stay a little long but Helena sent him away in case he also had a fever and gave you a bad turn. He kissed the back of your hand and said goodbye to both of you before leaving. 

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