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Aemond x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Aemond hissed as he hurried along the road. He saw you hurry round a corner and lost sight of you as your cloak swishes out of sight after you. He grumbled to himself, hurrying through the street while trying his best not to draw attention.

When he turned the corner he saw you for a second before you were swallowed by a crowd gathering around something. By the time he caught up with you, you'd pushed your way to the front of the crowd.

"Look at that!" You said as you caught a glimpse of what was causing the commotion. Aemond saw it through the crowd too and huffed.

"It is just a reindeer. They are from the colder parts. Nothing special." Aemond grumbled.

"But they look like funny deer!" You said quietly. Before Aemond could criticise you or point out that Reindeer were deer just the same as the stags in the wood you spotted someone handing out treats for them. "Oh! We should feed one!"

"Feed it what?" Aemond said as he glanced around. Your exuberant delight had caught the attention of several people around you who had begun to stare at the two of you and mutter among themselves.

"Well... don't you have something in your pocket I could feed it?" You asked hopefully. If he didn't have some kind of snack for his horse he might have enough coin to buy from the man still handing out treats.

"Do I look like I would be walking around with a carrot in my pocket on the off chance that you'd come across a hungry reindeer?" Aemond said and grabbed at your arm. You objected to being pulled away from the crowd which only drew more attention.

"I wanted to go back!" You complained to no end as Aemond tried to wrangle you back towards the keep. Aemond could now see at least three people following after the two of you and hurried round a corner, hoping to cut through an alley to lose them.

"There you are! Do you know the commotion that had been caused? No one could find you in the keep. The queen is furious." Sir Cole hurried up the side road towards the two of you and Aemond let you go. He felt relaxed now that there were two swords to defend rather than just his.

"(Y/N) wandered off." Aemond said as he looked down to his left side. Turning to look behind him he groaned. "Seven hells!" He muttered and went back the way he'd come. Cole shook his head and hurried after Aemond who was ever letting you take advantage of his blind side and slip away. He'd suggested that a proper guard be assigned to you but the reply was always 'Aemond is perfectly good at keeping an eye on (Y/N).' Cole was quite vocal on the fact that you were quick as a whip and Aemond was down an eye so on the grand scale of things, it wasn't exactly fair. He'd been told not to speak of it again.

There was a squeal and then shouting which caused Cole to hurry back towards the flea bottom winter market. You'd been sneaking off there all week. Reaching for his sword he stopped and chuckled. Aemond had, clearly growing tired of you sneaking off and escaping, tossed you over his shoulder, his hood fallen back with your flailing and objecting. No matter how you squirmed you couldn't get away.

"I will feed you to Vhagar if you do not cease!" Aemond now sounded tired and looked quite apathetic to the whole ordeal. Cole hurried to march along beside Aemond who was moving as quickly as he could so that he wouldn't risk losing his grip on you and having to turn back again. It was the afternoon when he marched into the keep.

"Aemond!" Alicent said sharply as someone hurried off to fetch her. He ignored her and continued his way through the corridors. Alicent, surprised, turned to Cole who shrugged. They both followed him as he made his way towards your rooms. He barged in, startling your handmaiden who was fixing a snag in your winter cloak. He dumped you on your bed and hurried out of the room, pulling on his mother's arm as he slammed the doors.

"Let me out! I won't stand for this. Let me out!" Your almost childish shrieks could be heard through the door as you rattled them. Alicent raised her eyebrows as your language turned foul upon hearing Aemond locking you in.

"Is that really necessary?" She asked.

"Until you find someone else to keep (Y/N) inside yes it is." He said as he sat on the floor and sighed. He was rather hungry and tired from running after you all morning. He had a painful spot on his back where you'd smacked at him and he carried you that would no doubt bruise.

"The last three quit and (Y/N) is rather fond of you, Aemond. Is there not anything that could be done?" Alicent asked. Aemond got to his feet when you began to rattle the door again.

"Fetch me a reindeer." He said as he stretched.

"A... what?" Alicent asked in surprise.

"A reindeer, mother." Aemond said as he walked off towards his own rooms in hopes of some peace.

A reindeer was found and presented to you a few days later. It had a golden blanket and a silver leading rope covered in tiny bells that alerted anyone to you and the reindeer coming. To everyone's delight, Aemond's idea worked and kept you at the keep for two weeks. During the second week, however, the reindeer was spooked and fled the keep coming across Aegon and Sunfyre, who had been out for a ride. Sunfyre, hungry and irritable from the cold as a snow flurry had caught them out during their flight, could not be stopped from devouring the creature in front of you both. Some of the people living in the keep claimed that every time you had a bout of sadness for your lost pet another snowstorm would set in and cause the snow to grow deeper as winter set its claws into Westeros. This rumour was only deepened when, under Helena's advice, a small lean puppy with a tail like a whip, born late into winter, was given to you the day the snow finally stopped. Aemond's request to finally have guards sent to look after you was met and Alicent even had someone hired specifically to keep the puppy safe.

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