Last Night

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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon

Request: "Yes, I know all about it! I also know something about you. You can't keep your mouth shut." aemond targ x fem reader plz

You froze as you made eye contact with Aegon. He stared at you. Neither of you moved for a while. Then he grinned. A wicked grin spread across his face and seemed to fill him with a devious light.

"Wait!" You called. He ignored you and hurried along through the crowd. You chased after him and stopped when you came into a large open square. Aegon was in the middle and had just been accosted by someone. When the twirling and fighting slowed you realised it was Aemond.

"Brother! See I told you!" Aegon said as he tried to wriggle loose of Aemond's clutch. You looked around and pulled your hood further over your face when people stopped to look over at the commotion. "(Y/N) is sneaking about..."

"Yes, I know all about it! I also know something about you. You can't keep your mouth shut." Aemond said as he managed to trap Aegon by holding onto his head.

"You know?" Aegon asked. There was a long pause as you avoided looking directly at Aemond. Aemond sighed while Aegon looked between you for a moment. "Oh! Oh!"

"Aegon do not..." You started to complain.

"You two! Haha! I knew it! You know I told Mother that you had found yourself a whore but... (Y/N), I never imagined." Aegon said and laughed. You groaned and turned to walk towards the Red Keep.

"If you call (Y/N) a whore again..." You heard behind you.

"You shall what brother? You are struggling to best me now." Aegon said and you heard him running up behind you. He threw an arm around you and looked at you with a foul smile on his face.

"You know. If you wished to ride a dragon..." Aegon said and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You gave him a disapproving look which didn't deter him at all and pushed him off you. He hustled round the other side of you and held his hands out like he was trying to herd an animal. "I am just saying one of us is more experienced." He suddenly flopped on his belly revealing Aemond had snuck up behind him and tripped him. He held out a hand to help you step over Aegon who groaned and complained.

"Your brother is a beast." You said and chuckled.

"Yes, he is. I have tried to explain such thoughts to Mother. Unfortunately, he is too important to turn loose in the woods as I suggested." Aemond joked as he linked arms with you and walked towards a side road that led through a gate into the keep. With luck, none of you would be seen.

"Well. Have you considered a good barn?" You offered. Aemond chuckled and glanced back at Aegon who was watching the two of you as if he was disgusted with your jokes.

"I am a prince." Aegon said quietly.

"That is what the butcher said about the pig served at the feast last summer. It did not stop us from eating it." You said quickly. Aegon looked at you and frowned then huffed.

"Well, you can't eat me." He said childishly and crossed his arms as Aemond tried to open the gate.

"Certainly. If we ate you we'd all get sick. You're no good." Aemond muttered. The door yanked open and a furious Alicent was standing in the tunnel with Sir Cole. All three of you jumped and Aegon quickly pointed at you and Aemond.

"They were together last night!" He said quickly. You frowned at him while Aemond glared and swatted at him.

"Beds empty! No word where you'd gone. You could have all been killed, do you understand? Inside now!" She shouted. There was a march of shame through the Keep to the throne room. It would have been more unbearable if Helena hadn't cheerfully waved to you all as you passed her in the hallways. Otto was waiting, sitting on the throne as if he himself had been crowned. You glanced at Aemond who looked tense while Aegon grinned to himself next to his brother.

"Explain yourselves." Otto said. Alicent folded her hands in front of herself as she stood to the side of the throne.

"I was doing what I usually do. Those two are the ones that need a talking to." Aegon said quickly. You glared at him and he grinned.

"We were together." Aemond said carefully.

"Oh?" Alicent pressed and looked between the two of you curtly.

"Doing what lovers do? In their little love nest no doubt." Aegon said until he was scolded. Aemond nudged his brother.

"We... We went to the dragon pit. There was a disturbance. I went to look at it and (Y/N) followed me." Aemond said quickly. The room went quiet as everyone looked to you.

"I had not thought how dangerous it would be and was curious as to where Aemond was going. I saw him going out of the back passageway while trying to find someone to fetch me a warm drink as I could not sleep." You lied innocently. Alicent nodded as if she believed you and Aemond but Otto took a moment longer to think over what you had both said. He nodded slowly and stood.

"We will not be letting it happen again." He said firmly. You were all dismissed and fled the throne room out to the hall where Helena was waiting.

"Were you in dreadful trouble?" She whispered. You smiled and glanced at Aemond who was batting away Aegon's pestering and teasing with cold looks and sharp words.

"Aemond thought of something. I think they believed us." You whispered back. Helena smiled and pulled you away to her rooms so the two of you could talk about what you had gotten up to with Aemond. The last glimpse you caught of Aemond that morning was as you turned the corner and looked back. He was looking your way until Aegon said something about sharing and he turned on his brother and gave his shoulder a hard thumping punch which made Aegon wail pitifully. 

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