You are mine

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Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​​

Valentine event

Requested: Anonymous asked: "I shall be able to keep such a secret no longer." #valentine2023 Aemond Targ and fem reader

You pulled your cloak closely around your face as you turned the corner. The footsteps, of one of the young Lord Manderlys, grew quiet as he hurried in the other direction. Thinking no one had seen the two of you, you quickly made your getaway until you noticed Aemond. He was crouching down on the steps ahead of you. He must have been watching you for a while, or having you watched. That's how he knew that you'd be about to turn and head down them as you head towards the buildings your family owned in the nicer part of King's Landing.

"Aemond." You said curtly. You tried to pass him and hoped he wouldn't say anything but he stood abruptly and followed you a few steps behind.

"What have you been up to?" Aemond asked. His smug tone told you that he knew very well what you'd been up to. He had made up his mind on that and nothing would change it.

"What I get up to is none of your business." You said as you turned to face him and bite out your words with a viciously sharp, searing, snap. Several people in the street turned to look at you both as he stepped forward and loomed over you.

"You are my business!" He said back in the same tone.

"Not anymore. Not as far as anyone else is concerned." You hissed and tried to glare menacingly enough to make him back down.

"I think your father would disagree. Especially if he found out what happened between us." Aemond was cold when he spoke and an almost cruel smile twisted over his face.

"He despises you and your family. He would call you a liar." You insisted quietly. People around you were clearly trying to listen and look uninterested. There was no way he would let you leave without more of a fight.

"Yet I am a prince. I would be believed and you would not. There will be people who can admit to witnessing you and your... lord. When they know about that, why would anyone doubt what I say about the two of us? It would be your honour to meddle with after all. Not mine." The cruel smile fell when you glared up at Aemond without any fear or worry.

"What a cruel prince that would make you." You said as you managed to pull yourself away from him and hurry off.

You waited for three days as you expected to hear something from Aemond. Some whispering, at the very least, of a rumour being spread. But there was nothing. Until one evening you were roused by something. Sitting bolt upright you looked around and hurried to light more candles using the one that was on the small table beside your bed. Your room was large with the bed tucked away in one corner. There was a heavy curtain hiding your bed from the rest of the room which opened up to allow you to entertain without encroaching on the rest of the building. If you were honest, and you would never admit it out loud lest you offended the wrong person, you much preferred your rooms at home in your family keep. You were looking forward to going home in truth. Stepping out from behind the curtain you found that the room was lit with a low orange glow. Looking towards the fireplace across the room you spotted Aemond sitting in front of it.

"What are you doing?" You asked. You'd stopped making your way through the room and looked around. There was no one else in the room but you also couldn't see any way that he had come in. He must have had help sneaking in.

"I came to tell of you of my decision." He said calmly though his voice sounded as if it boomed loudly enough through the room to crack the walls.

"Now? In the middle of the night. I also do not care what you have decided. It is no concern of mine." You went to turn back and hide behind the curtain but he tutted his tongue.

"I think you will change your mind." His voice followed you and thought you didn't stop walking. "I shall be able to keep such a secret no longer."

"Keep what a secret?" You asked. Your tone was dismissive and frustrated which seemed to burn fury through Aemond who was on his feet hurrying across the room, barrelling down on you before you could do much more than turn.

"That you are mine!" He snarled out. You scoffed and stepped backwards.

"Yours." You spat out the word and glared at him. Moving away in an attempt to dismiss him you found him following your steps and grabbing out at your face. You could feel his hand squeeze tightly on your face while his other hand jabbed at the air before you with furious pointing.

"You are mine! Every man who deems himself worthy to touch you shall lose his hands, who looks upon you with desire shall lose his eyes, whoever tastes you that is not me shall lose their tongue. I shall strike down every suitor and husband, even your own father, if I must. You. Are. MINE." As he spoke his hand rose forcing you up onto your tiptoes as he squeezed, becoming more frenzied as he spoke.

"I pity your mother. Her favourite son, alone forever and a murderer. What shame." You said calmly. As you spoke you moved your leg so you could swing it up ad hit Aemond with your knee as hard as you could. He dropped and you tried to get away. As he groaned and snarled like a beast he reached out and grabbed your ankle. For a moment he pulled you back towards him but you kicked out and managed to hurry back behind the curtain. You rushed to the side wall where there was a small hidden door and all but threw yourself down the stairs. You could hear shouts and footsteps after you but you did not stop and began to take as many steps at a time as you could. There were several side doors and passages to different levels of the house but you found something in you screamed continue, do not stop. Hurrying down and down you found yourself in a small corridor and hurried to the end. The servants had gathered for the evening and were quite surprised to see you dishevelled.

"My lady! You are in such a state of undress!" You heard your mother's lady say.

"I... I... I had to get away from him... He is still coming." You said quickly. So startled at your escape you found yourself unable to focus on what happened next. Only realising when you were hurried into a large wooden box which was promptly shut. There was shouting and talking and the vague sound of Aemond's fury. You stayed perfectly still until the lid was lifted and you were helped out.

"He is gone for now. Best get back up to bed. I doubt the evening will calm his temper. We would all do well to get some rest and prepare for whatever happens tomorrow." Your mother's lady said solemnly. The two girls that normally tended to your help you back up to your room and promised to stay with you all evening. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear Vaghar. She roared as if with painful anger and you wondered how much longer you could escape the clutches of the dragon's wrath.

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