sodor eclipse what if thomas went with donald

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Well I want to do something different going over aus and doing a what if. I will pick something out of aus I either didn't like or is odd it didn't happen or just something to change the au I'm doing sodor eclipse but I changed and added a character I'm only adding Billy the reason I chose Billy is well for no reason other than he came to sodor in 2003 which means he could've been in preservation since 1950s or 60s which i think is bullshit. also this kinda makes since as Billy should realistically come in the 70s so I'm marking Billy here Diesel is untold about because he and d261 died however there isn't a place where he could've been seen so I'll get to that now with that out of the way lets get into it d261 dies still lol

So everything up to kellstrope station is the same with Emily dead corpse, however when we get to murdoch only one eye is mutated and begs for help and this is where the story changes James still goes off like a firework nearly killing donald and the others but thomas doesn't scamper off instead goes toward donald, Donald's tells thomas about murdoch and after alot of convincing from Thomas they go back and help Murdoch by ripping out the mutated parts including his eye,and murdoch is good as new.

So anyways nothing changes when they see oliver and Gordon and not untill they get to maron is when they see Annie clarabel Henrietta and the remains of toby, appearently boco chased down toby and he crashed into a siding and because thomas doesn't shoo boco away, toby dies. Thomas takes his coaches and Henrietta and then oliver gets kicked out at wellsworth, we will come back to him later.

Boco stops the 3 but Henry still goes by and Gordon has a mental breakdown. Skipping everything we get to the sheds where edward harvey and duck are. everyone goes to knapford but thomas raid tidmouth and gets some trucks and doesn't realize he grabbed an Arthur that wasn't alive.

He places the Arthur at the sheds thinking he's alive and so they don't kill Arthur.

Next day Gordon has his peroid-- I mean a breakdown and harvey connects to Gordon's tender behind Arthur but thomas finally admits Arthur is dead so they shoot him and then Gordon rams right into the pipes. instead of killing harvey it kills Gordon and the living tumor gets split so half of it goes into Arthur's corpse and the other half is in Gordon. Harvey is rerailed and boco enters the chat. everyone gets out but when boco latches on Donald's tender, murdoch saves him and they make it to wellsworth where oliver enters the discord call with diesel, spencer, percy, and daisy and CMON THE FAT HAT HIMSELF BONUSSSY

Diesel will be put at cronk as It was never checked he blacked out when the eclipse rolled in and woke up and made his way to wellsworth shortly after oliver stayed back.

Percy found daisy after percy and Mavis had a brawl and found oliver.
Spencers was like last time except that he never saw Ryan and Rebacca.
( I don't mean to sound rude about rodger and sedrick but they look so similar to Ryan with a tender and Rebacca sorry lol) however does see chuggington attacking vicarstown. (chuggington is Fergus)
After edward loses it and storms off to take care of HIS tumor, they sit around and do nothing untill they go to the docks.

Now with only boco (for now) the only monster they think it will be easy.

So going to brendam docks murdoch rams into boco and because duck and daisy are being babysitted by harvey. Diesel and oliver stay back when Diesel rolls in with Arthur on his tail percy and thomas go after Arthur however Gordon steals toad and throws him into a siding, oliver took the bait as Gordon stuck a tendril and stuck olivers face killing him, diesel goes after Gordon and shoves him far, however is almost killed as Gordon is pushed back revealing douglas behind Gordon. Meanwhile Arthur is unnoticed as percy and Thomas kept him back to save diesel, spencer Meanwhile threw himself into the back of Arthur putting him into the fire and he ran off to the claypits, for some reason. Because the only engine on boco was murdoch he is thrown off the tracks and immediately goes for douglas ripping his tender off and randomly diesel breaks down right infront of douglas leaving him an easy one kill but percy saved diesel as he blew his whistle but at a cost boco threw his tendril that could've hit diesel but instead it hit Henrietta crushing her and ripping Percy's back coupling. Spencer rushed douglas and diesel back to mend them and came back. Eventually they retreated as Arthur returned and they took murdoch and ran however.. Now that douglas's tender was ripped and he placed Derek in a siding someone has to go get him. So donald thomas and percy go in and snatch Derek. useless shit later get to cronk where they meet Terence, and an engine on the turntable the engine is turned out to be emily, so I chose emily over the other dead engines and I'll go over them all.
I didn't choose James as his whole boiler was just gone along with his face. I considered toby but I wanted emily more. Henry is also dead as boco chased him along ways untill he ran into a ditch at kellstrope. Arry and bert is just a no. no to those brendam guys and stepney is possibly dead.

Duck goes crazy and leVes. More shit later they are geared up and go to crovans gate but at kellstrope they see HIM

Billy is there and he will do some trolling for them and light the works on fire.
Basically arson I dumbed it down but anyways here are the fights in order anyways order of the fights but first rundown of the engines that will fight
Percy donald douglas Murdoch Billy harvey emily spencer diesel (towing daisy) and Derek that should be the engines fighting. Harvey stayed back So percy diesel and Derek went against duck who saw us almost immediately and charged percy off the rails. Thomas charged into duck but derailed and smashed rheneas so diesel and duck just had a push battle well come back to them later.
Spencer went to Gordon with Derek behind.
Douglas and Emily fight Arthur and besides Billy the rest of them fight boco. However donald goes against edward. Because Derek went to spencer this screwed up Billy so Derek had to move with Billy and derail duck who rejoined them then because boco saw what happend he ditched murdoch for Billy, if engines had ankles Billy could've snapped bocos ankles because BILLY JUKED BOCO SO HARD HE TRIPPED ON HIS MONSTER LEG THINGS AND CRASHED ON THE RAILS AND THEN PERCY THOMAS AND DIESEL PERFORM A MAGIC TRICK AND BOCO CANT GET UP BECAUSE HES FALLEN AND CANT GET UP!!! Anyways Billy does a little bit off trolling>:) and sets the building on fire, or well tried. However duncan shows up and coocoo rusty entered the chat but Bertram had rusty in a place where he couldn't move and chucked him into the match and gasoline and a fire broke out. Emily grabbed onto edward and told him to fight it while Billy crushed boco. Killing boco. And while emily was snapping edward out of it everyone was unable to move but diesel he made a way for emily and edward to get out however burnt of alot of his face he had a chunk of skin missing and started bragging like a dickhead. Arthur got overpowered and got thrown onto narrow gauge tracks. Gordon had tendrils Arthur didn't. So duke and sir handel shoved tankers into Arthur blowing him up now Gordon knew he was dead so he tried to run and almost did if it wasn't for rodger sedrick and stepney acquiring a rail gun from an American engine known as Hank.

(Betcha didn't see that coming aye?) And blew Gordon up. Well.. you think it would be a happy ending. Well if you include edward being ok and Fergus being ok. Not to mention Peter jinty pug andbig city Engine found in the sheds. Well the dead engines won't be revived and the others aren't getting their scars healed.

Thats if thomas went with douglas in sodor eclipse bye with other features this will be touched on again also this should've happened but fuck Billy however after this I like him alot more than I already did


sodor au what if Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ