sodor cold wars: what if the Waterton branch was checked out

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So everything up till on the way to crovans gate is ok however molly checks the Waterton line and Gordon goes up ahead. Finds the remains of everyone and diesel rolls in however molly comes back with a petrified Billy. However whiff and Stanley are both very unharmed and not as shaken up. Only Stanley tells the story as they were in the same place when the bomb got dropped. Billy isn't mutated but does have burn marks on his chin and head. Stanley has a small burn on his left cheek. And besides a crack in his right glass he's fine. Diesel doesn't go as his way is blocked and tells the story. He tells in cold wars. Skipping along finding diesel 10 and percy they arrive at wellsworth and this is a big change since alot more engines are here when Arthur comes by the strength of other engines keeps him back and the other engines are ok and Arthur just keeps going. Finding edward, the consist to elsbridge is Gordon like usual molly, as whiff watches edward. And behind are Billy and Stanley along with diesel d10 and percy when they find toad he goes behind Billy. Elsbridge is the same however toby with Thomas coaches are added to the consist of Billy and Stanley Thomas goes to where people with peanut allergies can eat peanut butter (or heaven whatever is easier to understand). And when toby mentions that Neville and murdoch are at tidmouth molly goes into the contaminated area.


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Anyways. Gordon fells burning but Stanley feels his left eye feeling funny. And Stanley's eye burns off so he needs an eye patch and Gordon gets a burn on his cheek. Anyways. So the consist will be Gordon. With heavy shit. Next will be whiff and Billy who will save salty and boco. Stanley will run last and run over Russians. However molly returns and murdoch is behind her towing Neville and harvey. Apperently harvey was at knapford and hid at the harbour Neville went ahead and passed murdoch. And found harvey. Harvey was SOMEHOW OK He got a bit of burns on his face. Same with Neville he had a scar on his eye and more burns he tells the same story. I forgot percy! He stayed back at wellsworth but New consist! Gordon runs the front along side Neville. ( headcannon is that brendam stays 2 tracks) behind Gordon will be molly and whiff behind Neville will be diesel and diesel 10. Who will bash anyone and can easily take care of any Russians. And engines. Percy Billy and Stanley will split up percy and Billy will check the claypits and Stanley checks the far side of brendam for anything. Harvey will and I quote "get crankin"

The baracade is up again and stephen lowered his hand and we stormed in we got shot at a bit diesel yelled "HOLY SHIT THERES ALOT OF MARKLINS" So molly and whiff go for boco and salty but are stopped by an engine who is stepney. Molly is thrown off and whiff is trying to pull her on the rails and then smartens up and goes behind stepney and grabs onto him saying "I AM GOING TO KILL YOUR LEADER STAND DOWN NOW!!" as the Russians give them boco salty and Fergus in the back and use cranky to rerail molly they take stepney and some marklins that coupled uo to the engines taking stepney 4 marlins boco salty Fergus and duck follows behind betraying the Russians

Stepney screamed and pushed against Neville and Gordon but to no avail and that's when Billy snapped "listen you bastard!! We're tired of you! you gutted out our freinds you! You! You! ASSHOLE!! Shut up or something may happen to you that you may deserve!" Stepney kept quiet. For a bit. That's when it happend stepney broke free and thre Gordon and Neville off the rails infront of Billy and percy however duck tried stopping stepney however stepney took some flatbeds of metal and threw it at duck he lost an eye however it bounced back and threw stepney off the tracks Richard took a pistol and shot stepney. I think this took a toll on whiffs mentality he laughed like a maniac saying how we should gut him out or maybe takes his vitals and take them into science. So whiff re rails stepney and does probably very illegal things to stepney and is stepney was an animal whiff would be a pedophile (like ur mom)
He takes out his face and tells everyone to come here. So whiff gives a class about stepney (or robots). So apperently stepney was a cyborg his eyes can see through walls and very far away that's why he saw us from brendam. He also has other abilities which is how he sent the flatbeds into duck. He never was in control and if he was saved earlier he could have been saved but it was to late we stopped him and we must go now.

So there you go I wanna eat my food so I'm fucking hungry so bye! karens

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