Sodor mist what if:

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SM what if: Gordon helped percy with Thomas.

So everything to where the 3 run into Thomas ima say that Gordon swaps tracks and throws thomas off the line. And they head to maron and find edward. So because of simplicity I'm saying SM takes place in season 9 so molly Neville and Dennis are existing. So edward tells them how  Neville passed by with a goods train. And the twins rolled by donald screaming in pain.  And douglas screaming in  terror. Hoping his twin is ok. They make their way to tidmouth and find Toby's remains along with oliver and then duck at the sheds. The Mist darkens and everyone gets inside but oliver who moves to a ghost toad. Anyways Gordon goes outside and sees Arthur race by screaming like donald. So the 5 go to knapford to find Arthur he had been ripped off the rails and gutted by Thomas who chases them down to brendam where another James is the Thomas follows the other James while they head to brendam. Trevor is alive because Gordon isn't mutated. Untill they find flatbed he stayed there. Brendam is deserted a mutated salty and boco who are put down. Mutated bill and Ben. Who the 5 play a game with. Life or death situation. Percy squeaked by BARELY bc he's stupid. Gordon does a strength competition where he has to get the deceased boco out of the water in 4 minutes or he dies and successfully gets by with absolutely no problems at all. (If you win you are forced out of brendam. So they wait at lower suddery) James gets by with jammed points competition. Duck beats the twins at shunting and Edward plays dodgeball (dodge the mother fucking truck) and tried suicide. They leave brendam and get Trevor on a flatbed. They go to tidmouth again Toby's remains are gone. And oliver and diesel are there they hear Thomas and Emily percy and Gordon run for the sheds while the other 5 go into the coaling side of tidmouth  diesel is thrown out by oliver just for Olivet to be thrown out by duck. 2 seconds later. Anyways Gordon and percy are okay. And edward unravels more. Like how d261, Thomas, and sir handel were experimented on for the Mist and murdoch was missing and also about the shit at brendam and the whereabouts of molly. Also about how Bill and Ben mutated and the deaths of mavis and daisy. (Fucking plot okay) anyways. Find a different daisy and Mist Derek and they camp at Tilted Towers--- I mean. Knapford sheds. And narrator gets drunk and shit. This is where I take control so first things first decked out engines they will explore maron to crovans gate and fight thomas and Emily wherever they are. And remaining engines. Rws characters are in this most are dead tho. except like 3. So at wellsworth Gordon and Derek are at front btw. Followed by James and daisy from Sf studios au thing idfk. Percy and edward are behind and duck won't fight at all so he goes in the back. They find a mutated Dennis arry, bert, and the remains of d10. And find Neville and molly who have been using cronk and killdane as a base emily and thomas are uo the line. Neville and molly are in the consist so duck and percy are in the back infont of them is edward and daisy then James and molly and up front are Gordon Derek and Neville. They go in and see narrow gauge engines at crovans gate along with Emily and  dennis. Sirhandek rounded a corner and started attacking. Gordon and Derek dealt with Dennis and James thre Emily off the line and she's gunned Dennis is also dead and duck eith alot of aiming right runs over sir Handel. In the sheds are duncan, Rheneas, Bertram, and Duke. Appearently. The Mist made sirhandel mutated and killed Peter Sam. Skarloey is trapped in a landslide still alive. Rusty is unknown.  ivo Hugh was murdered and fred took his own life. They checked everywhere besides old msr line. Trevor, duck, and percy stay behind however they go in the sheds and find Barry. He hid there the whole time however when he was about to move  donald and douglas roared into crovans gate and douglas and half of the train snapped and Donald ran away and douglas ran back not noticing Barry. Stepney came by when the Mist rolled in and Bear coming from kellstrope rolled by. Appearently d261 was a failed experiment and is locked in the works. Eith this new knowledge James, molly, daisy, and Barry head to kellstrope and see the shell of stepney and go down kirk Ronan and find douglas in the same condition as duck. They were at knapford harbor and they ran off to brendam with Henry salty toby and edward. They ran off to Vicarstown as jinty and pig were at vicarstown and that spencer, Hank, A few American engines and a railgun went to sodor as it is overrun with "Mist Monsters" however something happend to them and when they heard that they tried stopping but donald kept going faster. They looped around the island a few times before douglas broke off with a flatbed 3 vans a coach and 3 coal trucks. And Donald had  with him 6 vans 4 coaches 3 flatbeds behind. 2 infront. 2 red cream coaches. And a fish van. Donald is probably dead. Okay so we are told that The line to vicarstown station is flooded with monsters. So Gordon is upfront with Barry. Molly and Neville go behind carrying and molly has Trevor behind him and Neville took Bertram. Daisy and edward have remaining narrow gauge engines that are with them and James Derem percy Derek and duck are in the back with alot of shit. They make it over the bridge and are greeted by spencer. He said donald is going to be ok as the British government will stop him as he is going to London and will be sent into a shed to be contaminated untill a cure is made. He has forgotten what happend to the rescue team as they got attacked By a lorry and a diesel. Alot of engines are still unnocounted for. So a rescue team is made however narrow gauge engines come. They bring Bertram duncan and Duke. Because rusty mighty and Mac haven't been accounted for. Skarloey is still trapped on the other side of a landslide and freddie can be somewhere. We still got Fergus, Harvey, Henry, and a few others. Here's who's going spencer and Molly upfront. Derek and James behind and then percy. Jinty and pug are ok still no sign of bear. Jinty joins us pug won't he is mutated he got one blacked out eye and that's it. That makes 3 mutated engines lol. Anyways d261 never got put down and he's missing. SHIT! We never searched the cement works and unsurprisingly found Fergus alive and well. He wasn't alone and puffed a heavily fucked up Harvey. Besides one eye he was fully mutated but he didn't hurt anyone he got hit by a landslide and lived giving mutations. So percy molly and harvey go back. Fergus joins us and is ripped as he ran into d261. And handled him well and he ran off. AND WE FOUND BEAR AND HENRY THEY KILLED D261! Bear somehow got past Barry making it to vicarstown. And then back and Barry never saw him go back. Henry appearently was down brendam and hid from us untill Emily came in and left with bl and Ben finding bear fighting the twins. Thomas is still alive amd seems so are bill and Ben. So thomas died and the twins are snapped into reality bye I wrote 1317 words okay? Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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