So Let The Games Begin

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3rd POV 

Somewhere far and Dark 

A huge castle was sitting alone like a haunted mansion. You wouldn't be able to make it out because of how dark it is down there. The only light coming from it was the lava and fire surrounding it. 

Footsteps could be heard throughout the walls. At a pace like it was rushing to get somewhere. A tall skinny female ran to these big doors, opening it to be greeted by eight people in the room. 

She ran past a couple of people keeping her head down, making sure not to make eye contact with any of them. Handing over papers to a small red creature who took the papers out of her hand and swaying her away. 

Before she could leave, she felt a pull and entered someone's personal space. Feeling lips against her neck she knew who it was, she had to get out but couldn't. Her body was under his spell. 

"Prince Lust, I need you to focus on this meeting rather than this demon," the red creature demanded. 

"Oh Bang she isn't just a demon, she's sexy with a body like that too" He stated. Before he could lift her chin up, his hand was pulled away. 

As the girl was free from his hands, "What Are You Still Doing Here? GET OUT!" a voice angrily demanded as she rushed out the room. 

"Awww I really liked her too, she would have been such a great asset to my collection" another voice spoke up with such excitement. 

"It wouldn't really be in your collection if you didn't take from what's mine" a voice with such venom as both of the creatures glared at each other.

"You boys shouldn't even care for a being like that. It's pleasant. Who didn't even address me in its presence"a voice said with such an annoyed tone.

"Can you guys shut up i'm trying to sleep" a tired voice said. 

"Oh come on get up and you should be in this meeting" as a voice said while enjoying what's going on. 

The tiny red creature spoke up, "My Princes you shouldn't care for anyone but you. And your jobs. So we are here to talk about how some of the sinners aren't coming in as usual. The plan is you guys use your powers on the earth then we will finally get more sinners coming to hell. Okay second on the list-"

"So how much is on this stupid list?" someone spoke up. 

"50" the red creature stated. 

All of a sudden a bang was heard in the room. To No one's surprise it was him who's hands gripped the table. 


The red creature is scared to make him mad. Especially him. 

"W…well i'll leave and we could discuss it another time" the red creature stuttered as it quickly gathered its things and left. 

"Namjoon, why did you have to break the table….again?" a voice asked as Namjoon sighed really loudly. 

"I don't know Jin Hyung, he was pissing me off," Namjoon stated. 

"Namjoon Hyung, you know how rare this table is? We wouldn't be able to find it again" a voice said sadly. 

"Kookie, just get us another table, you have them all don't you" a sleepy voice asked. 

"well Yoongi you know how greedy I am I don't feel like sharing but I did give Tae hyung one" Jungkook said as Taehyung glared at him.

"Why would you say that?!" Tae said with a hint of annoyance. As Tae and Jungkook were in each other's faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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