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                ~ 8 YEARS AGO ~
When Aera woke up, she found herself in a beautiful yet strange place, and when she moved her arms, she felt something.

It was the box her father gifted her. When she recollected what happened a few hours ago, she started crying.

As she was crying, cherry blossoms started falling, which annoyed her so she rose her head.

When she lifted her tear stained face, she saw a handsome young boy her age sitting on one of the branches

"Why are you crying?"
The boy asked as he jumped down.

"N-none of your business!"
Aera said angrily as she felt embarrassed because a stranger saw her crying.

"Hey, I'm being nice here, so I'd appreciate it if you were also nice, so back to my question"

"What's the use of telling you anyway?"
Aera sniffled as she looked at the boy.

"You might never know if I could be your potential savior"
The boy said as he shrugged his shoulders and poked Aera's cheek.

"Hey! Don't you dare touch me!"
Aera said as she glared at the boy.

"Since you're constantly avoiding my question, I'll just leave you here, but if you get cold or tired, you can go to that house over there. Oh and before I forget, my name's Han Eun-Jeong"
The boy said after he pointed at a decent looking cottage and walked into it after informing Aera.

                   ~ PRESENT ~
"Aera! You're just on time! Did you hear? The Mai-Jin blue jade was stolen today!"

"Really? How interesting! Please tell me more Su-Rin!"
Aera said as she quickly hid the blue jade under her bed.

"Well, while everyone was focused on the dance battle between a young mistress and a commoner, a masked female stole the precious Mai-Jin blue jade without anyone looking, and when everyone found out, they chased the masked female, but they said she suddenly disappeared!"
Su-Rin said as she took out a white and blue hanbok dress and handed it to Aera.

"What's this for?"
Aera asked with a confused expression.

"You and I, are going shopping"
Su-Rin said as she pushed Aera to the dressing room.

"Why must you punish me this way!"
Aera said with an annoyed expression as she grumpily changed her clothes.

"You'll thank me later when I change that zombie face of yours into a princess like face!"
Su-Rin said as she twirled around.

"My face is perfect, unlike yours!"
Aera said as she stuck out her tongue.

"How dare you!"
Su-Rin said as she chased Aera out of the house till they reached the busy market place.

The place was really busy, filled with both commoners and nobles. The marketers were selling a lot of things like dresses, makeup, jewellery, street snacks, charms, fans, priceless treasures and a whole other things.

"Woah, Aera look at those cosmetics! Aren't they pretty?"
Su-Rin said as she pointed at some powders.

"Eh, they're not ugly I guess"
Aera said with an uninterested expression as she looked around and spotted a samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly) stall.

She walked there and watched how the shopkeeper prepared it with flair.

"Would you like to taste a sample?"
The man asked as he handed a piece of the meat to her.

"Why not?"
Aera said as she took the piece and when she tasted it, her eyes widened and told the shopkeeper to pack a lot for her.

The shopkeeper had a very happy expression as he skillfully wrapped a lot of it and continuously thanked Aera as she gave him extra money.

"Aera! That is too much! Aren't you worried about your body?"
Su-Rin asked as she looked at how Aera was eating the meat.

"Have you seen how skinny I am? Yes, so this is an opportunity to become chubby"
Aera said as she walked around with Su-Rin who was literally buying everything she saw.

"Since when did you become so rich?"
Aera asked with a shocked expression as she looked at Su-Rin

"I saved all the money Eun-Jeong gave me"
Su-Rin said as she bought a blue silk scarf.

"This is for you!"
Su-Rin said as she wrapped the scarf around Aera's neck.

"Thank you"
Aera said as she fed Su-Rin a piece of the pork belly.

The two friends continued to walk around and buy a lot of unnecessary things.

However, faraway a person wearing dark royal clothes and a mask stood on top of a very high mountain and their eyes scanned around the whole place until they settled on a small house.

The person took out a teleportation charm and they transported to the small house. They took out their sword and entered into the house and searched everywhere.

When the person couldn't find what they were looking for, they dropped a black handkerchief with a royal emblem and it had a message on it.

As they were leaving, their attention was caught by the bedroom they checked earlier, they squinted their eyes and checked the room carefully this time.

When the person bent down, a faint blue glow caught their eyes, and they reached their hand under the bed.

When they felt a smooth surface, they quickly took it out and a gasp escaped their mouth. The person stood up straight and disappeared using a teleportation charm.

A/N - Ooh, I have no idea why, but I am just enjoying this ominous vibe~😅

+ Mai-Jin market day is kinda like black Friday, except it's celebrated for a whole week, awesome, i know 😂

Anyway hope you enjoyed reading this ~

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