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A/N - The wait is over ~

Aera gulped and stuttered out,

"Crown Prince, you are way too close"
She said as she felt his soft breath fan her face

"Oh really?"
He asked as he moved closer causing Aera to turn her face away

"The King and Queen have arrived!"
One of the guards announced and Aera and Jiho's eyes widened when they saw the Royal couple look at them intentively causing Jiho to jump back

"Jin Jiho, I didn't know you had a girl you're interested in"
The Queen said teasingly as she walked closer to have a good look of the girl but froze when she saw Aera's eyes which looked eerily familiar

"A-are you by any chance related to Han Namira?"
Aera smirked and walked in front of the Queen, baring her sharp hairpin

"Your Highness, don't be offended, but anyone who says my mom's name disrespectfully shouldn't be allowed to speak at all"
Aera said as she pointed the hairpin to the Queen's throat, drawing a little blood, but got blown away by an invisible attack by the King who glared at her

"Do you not fear death?!"
The King asked angrily as he ordered some servants to dress the Queen's wound (even though it was barely visible)

"Your Highness, I should be asking you that question, after all I am the daughter of a feared assassin"
She said as she effortlessly got up and dusted her clothes looking at the King disdainfully

"Don't use your father's name as a power advantage"
The King said as he ordered some servants to bring cushioned chairs

"Same goes to you, Jin Mujin the second"
Aera said as she thanked a servant and sat down looking around boredly

"So, why did you tell your guards to forcefully drag me from my comfortable house to your palace of hypocrisy?"
She asked in a sweet sarcastic tone ignoring the glares shot towards her

"Have you no respect towards your King?!"
Jiho asked annoyed by Aera's nonchalant attitude

"Child, grown ups are talking so just shut up. Anyway, let me hear your reason"
Aera said as she faced the King twirling her hairpin

"To propose"
The King managed to say calmly

"What type of proposal?"
Aera asked with a raised eyebrow

"Let's talk about this over tea"
The King said as he sent a servant to give Aera some tea which she kindly rejected.

"The proposal I'm offering you, is to be my son's master"
When Jiho heard that, he spit out his tea and looked at his father then Aera who had a questioning expression.

"Master? In what sense?"
Aera asked keeping her cool

"Be his master in energy control, word has it that you're a genius in that field and the best teacher for my son"
The King said with a convincing smile

Aera looked at him with a stoic expression before bursting into a fit of laughter

"Wait, you want the daughter of Han Seongjun to teach the Crown Prince qi control? Wow, wealth does make people delusional. I'm not doing anything for the royal family"
Aera said with a big smile

The King's friendly expression morphed into a scary one as he said in a threatening tone,

"Han Aera if you don't accept the proposal, I will personally kill your remaining family"

When Aera heard that, she smirked and stood up saying,

"Threatening an assassin? Well I ought to put you in your place. Maybe that will teach you to never threaten my family"

After that, she left ignoring the curse words the King was throwing at her disappearing figure. Jiho frowned and followed her.

He placed his hand on her shoulder when he found her and turned her to face him

"What exactly are you planning to do? The King is very dangerous when he's angry"

"I'm also dangerous when I get angry. And as for my plan, you'll have to wait till later in the night"
She said with a wink and walked away, which unknowingly made Jiho blush.


When Aera reached her house, she stopped and looked at the tree she always sat by when she was depressed and sat on her favorite spot, raising her knees and resting her folded arms on them resting her head on the bark and sighed,

"Mom, dad, Jinnie, I wish you were all with me right now. But that's impossible right now since I don't have that jade. However I will avenge all of you"

"I'll kill everyone that damn King loves, putting him in the same position he put me in. Even if I died in the process, I'd still be glad I caused him pain. Then I'd be with you all"
She said and burried her head into her folded arms

"There you are. Are you done soliloquizing?"
Surin asked with a teasing smile as she sat next to Aera

"Call it whatever you want. Surin-ah, I have a small request to ask from you"
When Surin heard that, she squinted her eyes and nodded her head

"I just need you to borrow me some of your energy"
Aera said with a cute cunning smile

"Okay, what percentage?"
Surin asked falling into Aera's cuteness trap

"Let's say about 75%"

"What do you need that much qi for? You are way stronger than I am"

"I can't tell you now, but you'll find out tomorrow. So will you?"

"I don't know... I can't just lend you that much qi without knowing what you'd use it for, and-

"Aw, pretty please?? I'll buy you that expensive lip tint you want!"

Surin smiled and said with a big smile,

"It's a deal!"

..... 2:58 a.m

Aera stood on top of the palace roof, clad in all black. She looked around and discovered the palace was guarded by 1000 soldiers who were on night duty.

She smirked and closed her eyes, making various rapid hand signs as she whispered odd words. When she was done, she opened her eyes which glowed a dim white, resembling the moon and simply said,


Immediately when she said that, all the guards disappeared and were replaced by dummies who started "bleeding" profusely and dropped dead.

Aera smirked and wore her mask as she jumped to the middle of the palace, she looked at the moon, and said,

"3:00 a.m, Aera's hour"

Then, she disappeared.

A/N - I am speechless..
Anyway, those of you who watch anime, I know y'all be side eye-ing me 😏

*btw Aera didn't kill the guards, she sent them all home (she isn't that cruel)
And, now y'all know why she stole the precious Mai-Jin blue jade..

+ I know y'all enjoyed, so see you guys next time!

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