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A/N - greetings, fellow comrades ▄█▀█●

Sooner or later, Aera woke up (actually later, but what it is~) she looked around and used both of her hands to wipe her face.

"Ughh, I'm so lazy right now, but I'm so hungry as well! Ughhhhh"
She groaned lazily and rolled around the bed and suddenly said,

"Bring me food!"
The guards who were at the door were startled and opened the door with scared expressions

"You! Go bring me dumplings!"
She said in Japanese, which confuses the guards.

She groaned loudly and said,

"Oh right, you're too stupid to understand. I said go bring me dumplings!"
She translated in Korean and glared at the guards.

"Y-yes ma'am!"
The one on the left responded since he was afraid of her.

"Dammittt. I'm so hungry! I need food to recover my energy!! When will they even arrive?!"
She asked noone in particular in a childish tone

"Ugh, I wish I could just teleport home and disturb Surin instead of these boring people"
Aera said with a pout and glared at the mirror

"Hey! Why are you glaring at me huh?! I didn't do anything to you so stop.. Wait, why am I even talking to my reflection like some idiot?"
She suddenly asked herself as she strokes her chin in thought

"Why glare at my reflection, when I should be praising this beauty staring at me!"
Aera said as she flipped her long hair

"Ugh, are you done throwing temper tantrums?"
Jiho asked as he came in holding a tray filled with different varieties of dumplings as well as dipping sauces

"How dare you?! As your punishment for indirectly calling me a child, you will feed me"
Aera said with folded arms and huffed as she looked away

Jiho said with a sigh as he rubbed his forehead and sat on the bed, setting the tray on Aera's lap

I looked at Jiho and waited for him to feed me, as he was rubbing his forehead. He is handsome, but he does behave like an old man..

"Stop looking at me like that and open your mouth"
He said as he pushed a dumpling into my mouth, how rude!

"What? Didn't you say I should feed you?"
He asked with a raised eyebrow, and dipped another one into soy sauce. I just glared at him as I savoured the delicious snack

"More, peasant!"
I said as I opened my mouth. Jiho glared at me and fed me, I'm shocked he's being so compliant, I don't care either way since the Crown Prince is feeding me

"This one tastes different"
I said after I was done savouring

"The chef didn't know what you'd like, so he made six different dumplings with six different dipping sauces"
Jiho said as he prepared the third one

"Why six? I wanted a lo-
Before I completed my sentence he shoved a dumpling into my mouth

"Please don't talk until you're done eating everything"
He said with a tired expression, and I complied.

After the Crown Prince was done feeding Aera, he placed the tray somewhere and wiped Aera's mouth with a napkin. After that, he moved really close to her face

"Oh, what's this? Dessert?"
Aera asked coquettishly as she also moved her face closer which made Jiho blush since their noses touched

"S-stop, I was observing your eyes!"
Jiho said in a panicked tone

"Oh, are you sure?"
Aera asked teasingly, since she found his blushing face endearing, and moved closer

"O-oh, am I interrupting something?"
A girl holding folded clothes walked in, not bothering to knock asked with a glare which was directed at Aera.

Aera, who had a smile, frowned and said,

"Such a stupid question, but of course I'll answer it. Yes, you interrupted us"

Jiho looked at Aera with a shocked expression and a gaping mouth

"Oh really? Well then, sorry!"
The girl said before impolitely throwing the folded clothes at Aera and walked away

"Well, isn't she a sweetheart"
Aera said sarcastically as she touched the clothes that brat threw to her

"I'm so sorry, she's Kang Jaehyeok's younger sister, she's always rude to people. Her name's Kang Jaesoo"
Jiho said as he stood up

"I'm surprised she's still alive with such an attitude..."
Aera trailed off as she observed the dress. It was a black kimono styled dress with a fancy gold pattern

"Where are you going?"
Aera asked in a whiny tone when she saw Jiho was already at the door

"Don't you want to change your clothes?"
Jiho asked with a duh expression

"I can't feel my legs, so ergo, i can't stand up straight. Why don't you help me get dressed?"
Aera asked in a cute tone and fluttered her long eyelashes

Jiho had a flustered expression and said,

"You are completely out of your mind!"

A/N - Hehe hehehe, I'mma stop here for now...

+ Jiho was staring at Aera's eyes because they are a pretty color, as well as her eye shape (her eyes are a mix of dark teal and hazel: mesmerizing, I know.. )

Also, Aera's mom, Namira is Japanese + Aera's first words were dumplings 😂

Of course I'll explain more in the next few chapters to come, soooo...
Be patient, and..
Bye for now~~

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