Chapter 1

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        I sigh in relief. After all, I had just finally completed my Math home-work. It's not that I don't like school or anything. It's just that when you're in high school, heaps of work aren't as enticing.

       I put my Math book inside my bag and then immediately collapse on the bed. My peaceful moment of silence and wonderful serenity was then abruptly  interrupted by my light and fan turning off. Oh, just great! The one day my three siblings are sleeping in the front room and not barging into my room to play games with me (as not to distract me from my Math work), the power turns off! I reluctantly get up and open the door, which was soon followed by me opening the window. I know one thing for sure, if I don't open the window and door, my father will tell me to do it so that the air can circulate throughout the house. A few seconds later I heard my mother shouting, "Dad said to open the windows and doors". YUP. I KNEW IT.

        Just when I'm about to sleep, I hear a sound from the window. Its probably a bunny or something outside, so I shrug it off and head to sleep.
        That's what I would've said if I hadn't read a single book or watched a show in my entire life.

        Instead, I go by instinct and immediately spring out of bed, only to be confronted by a dark shadow next to the window. Oh boy, this isn't good. Before I get the chance to react, my back was suddenly locked tight against a person's chest. A blade was slowly, gripping my skin through the side of my shirt as the person said, "If you talk or move a muscle, you're dead". I froze. No...I have to stay calm. Acting on impulse won't help. So...I weighed my pros and cons. My father is a police. My mum is a teacher, director and founder of a school. My siblings are deep sleepers, who therefore wouldn't wake up and panic once I said anything.

         Wait, why am I thinking of my whole life story?  Anyways,  my father was trained and would wake up by the slightest touch or sound. You think I'm about to listen and act like a scaredy cat waiting for her impending doom?

         Well if you guessed no, you catch on pretty easily. I let out a deafening scream and start hollering and acting like a mad man. Screaming. Kicking. Biting. Whatever possible thing that could get this person to let me go and alert Dad's attention. The person tightened their grip on me and put their hand over my mouth and nose, unfortunately, disabling me to breathe or speak. Though on the verge of death, I was relieved to hear quick stomps coming my way. Before the person got to hide, my father already came with his gun in hand. The person swiftly put the knife on my neck, making sure to graze my skin just enough to draw blood. "Stop or I'll shoot", my father said, aiming the gun at the person. He was trying not to look scared, but was visibly failing. His posture and face showed it all. "But you know you can't", the person stated, which made Dad clench his jaw.

          He was right, and we all knew it. My mother was worried and came in the room. Wrong choice. Now no-one can alert the police. My only hope was my siblings.

          If you can't see by now, this is clearly a dangerous situation. My mother and father are distraught. They can save me, but it would cost someone's life. My siblings are unaware of this predicament, and therefore, are physically, mentally, and emotionally unable to call anyone, of the matter for help.
         As for me, at this rate, all I can do is pray and hope that this situation works out well. I'm panicking. I'm completely helpless. No... WE'RE completely helpless.


Don't worry, it gets better later! If you're seeing this, thank you so much for reading my book! I really appreciate it. I also don't mind people voting and commenting, if you know what I mean ; )
Also, this is fully copyrighted so don't steal my work or translate it without my permission please, unless you want to get legally involved with my parents (which I don't recommend at all)

But, yeah,
I hope you enjoy reading my book!


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