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It's been one week since Arthit started doing his internship at one of the most known companies in Thailand, Ocean Electric. He went to work at seven to avoid the traffic and returned home around seven. On a usual day after six in the evening Kongpob would come to Arthit's apartment then they would watch a superhero movie before having dinner together.

But today was different.

Arthit lazily opened his eyes, forcing himself to wake up. He silently blamed his mouth to say yes automatically when Kongpob asked to go on a date on Saturday and he knew too well his boyfriend would not stop asking him until he said yes.

It took him almost one hour to get ready and now it was ten in the morning. Arthit was now ready to go and he was waiting for Kongpob to pick him up. His doorbell rang when he was about to send a text to his boyfriend.

"What the-"

"See..? I told you that you would be shocked to see me. You might think that I'm ugly now, you don't find me handsome and attractive anymore but please Phi don't break up with me, please? I still love you. I don't think I can't survive without you, P'Arthit. But if you still want to brea-"

"Kongpob! Stop! What rubbish are you talking about, Kong? And no. I don't think you're ugly now. My boyfriend is still as handsome as before but- HOW?"

"It's a long story, Phi. I will tell you but first I need to know that you're not going to break up with me, right?"

"Oh God. No! I won't break up with you, now stop crying and tell me how did this happen?"

Arthit was actually still in shock. Well, shock might be a little bit extra but he was indeed surprised to see his boyfriend's look. He didn't know what was in Kongpob's mind to have this... haircut. Scratch that. This wasn't even a haircut though he still could see tiny short hair on his boyfriend's head.

"Remember yesterday I told you that I was in Em's dorm? We played a video game. I teamed up with Wad and Em with Oak. But in the middle of the game Oak suddenly blurted out your name loudly and you know how much I whipped for you, right? That made me lose my grip on the joystick and obviously, I lost the game. Then after I lost the game, Oak and Em wrote the punishment on tiny rolled paper where the loser had to pick one of them and I got this."

Arthit was still in awe. It was hard for him to focus on what his boyfriend was saying. He blinked twice and stopped looking at Kongpob's hair. This was weird. The more he looked at it, the more he thought that Kong's little hair was sticking out on his head and it was actually cute. Yes, Arthit found his boyfriend was cute with this new hair style.

"Baby, are you even listening to me? You find this funny, right??" Kongpob whined again as he lost his confidence.

"Can I touch it?"

"Touch what?"

"Your hair, Kong. I want to feel the surface of your hair. I think it's cute, they are like soft needles popping out of your head!"

Kongpob frowned at his boyfriend, he didn't understand why would Arthit ever want to touch his tiny hair but eventually he nodded, giving Arthit permission to touch his new hair. Arthit smiled so brightly, so bright that it almost hurt Kongpob's heart. Seconds later, Kongpob could feel Arthit's hand on top of his head. Arthit's palm touched Kongpob's hair a few times then started stroking it softly.

"I think it suits you." Arthit told Kongpob. He stared intently at his now-cute-boyfriend and continued saying, "This new haircut makes you look five years younger and I like it, Kong."

Kongpob was taken aback by Arthit's sentence. He certainly didn't think his boyfriend would like this new look of him. He was a hundred percent sure that he never had this haircut before even though he never tried any other model than his usual haircut. Well, except when he was a baby. All the babies were bald, right.

Afraid that his boyfriend was lying, Kongpob asked Arthit once again. "Just minutes ago you said my hair was like needles, are you sure you like it?

"Ow, Kong. That's because I can't find how to describe it in a cute way.. but hear me out, you're still as handsome as you are and I still like you. Just because your hair is now bald-" Kongpob glared at Arthit, he was starting to hate the b word that describes his new hair. Seeing his boyfriend's reaction, Arthit said,

"Okay I'm sorry, Kong. Stop pouting now! Look, you're not exactly bald. You still have tiny short hair and it will grow back in no time." Arthit's voice was cheery as he exclaimed.

He couldn't help but to kiss Kongpob's cheek and down to his boyfriend's lips. Without giving Arthit time to pull back, Kongpob put his arm on Arthit's nape, bringing his boyfriend back into the kiss that Arthit positively melted. This was bad. Kongpob's mind started telling him to stop or they might not be able to continue their plan to go on a date. But damn! He found it hard to stop and he could smell the delicate sweetness yet masculine of his boyfriend.

After a long moment, Arthit eventually pulled away and ended the kiss.

"I know what more interesting than going out on a date." said Kongpob, his breath soft against his boyfriend and Arthit obviously knew what Kongpob meant, "Tell me." Arthit added in a little more than a whisper.

And instead of having a date outside, Kongpob and Arthit enjoyed their intimately date in the dorm.



"Wad, do you see Aim and Oak?"

Arthit had finished his class of the day and was in the canteen with his friends when he saw Kongpob and Wad approaching their table. Luckily, Tutah and Bright were still in the lab, so Arthit didn't have to hear overly reaction from the two when seeing his boyfriend look.

Upon reaching the table, Wad took a seat beside Prem and Kongpob sat beside his boyfriend and purposely put his left hand on Arthit's waist. He put his other hand on his jaw, looking at Arthit confusedly.

"Shouldn't you be asking about me, baby?"

Giving his senior his stoic look, Wad answered, "I think they are on their way to the canteen- oh look, Phi.. it's them-"

Even before Wad had finished speaking, Arthit stormed out approaching Aim and Oak with his hazer mode.

"What did you do to my boyfriend?!"


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