Number 2 (or 1?)

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Great. Why all of the people in this country must be Kong freaking Bop who fit that honorable role: best man. Arthit didn't understand why would Wad choose that guy over someone else?! He could have chosen Em or even Oak at this point.

If Arthit's not mistaken it's been four years after he last saw Kongpob on their graduation day. Though Arthit still kept in touch with some of their friends, but not with Kongpob. That guy just vanished like a ghost, making everyone around him questioning his existence. Arthit still remember vividly one day Em- Kongpob's best friend since born was asking him about his best friend whereabouts. Like hell he would know it?! Sure, they are pretty close yes, close enough to rip each other's throat and bicker. Maybe that night Em was frustrated and drunk, so that's why he was asking him nonsense question. After that neither Em nor the others had heard about Kongpob at all.

And now several steps before him stood a man looking at his direction as well. The man was sitting in a bar chair next to Prem and Wad. Arthit blinked his eyes several times, making sure that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. Their eyes were locked for a moment, staring at each other longingly. It was kind of weird for Arthit as he felt a warm, heavy feeling in his heart. His eyes seemed to burn beneath the man's gaze and Arthit didn't like that. He finally dropped his stare, saw the man was walking towards him with a smirk on his face and now Arthit believed the man was real. He wasn't a ghost but he was and still is a devil.

Yup, the devil is back! Run for your life, Arthit!


The devil was quick enough to grab Arhit's arm, smiling sheepishly at him and said, "Long time no see, number two."

If anyone had asked him what his least favorite number is, he would have answered two. Arthit didn't hate the number but he hated how that certain number made him remember about the man in front of him. Bright often told him that two is a term of endearment from the evil. Endearment my ass! Arthit one hundred percent sure the devil just loves to tease him using that lame name.

Arthit still wondered how could he end up taking almost the same classes with Kongpob back then. Yes, they were in the same major but that doesn't mean that they have to take the same class. There were many courses offered by their major but it was just his bad luck to end up with Kongpob in almost every class. The latter haunted him like a ghost, snatching his chance to be number one and Arthit hated to admit that Kongpob was indeed a genius. He couldn't count how many times during their college life he had been defeated by Kongpob. Why can't Kongpob just let him be the number one for once?!

Arthit pulled his hand out of the devil's grip, closing his eyes for a few seconds, "Dear Demon..Lucifer or whatever your name is.. if you're currently looking for your missing son, please come here and bring your son back back to the hell kingdom."

"Too bad I don't intend to go back there. I prefer to be here with my angel- ouch!" Kongpob yelled, drawing attention from the people around them. A small smirk appeared on Arhit's face. He could see Kongpob glared at him in a kind of enraged stillness. Take that asshole!

"You didn't have to step on my foot, Arthit!" exclaimed Kongpob.

Arthit called out cheerfully, "Sorry but that's what I intended to do." He saw both Prem and Wad get up from their seats, and walked over to where he and Kongpob stood.

Prem let heavily sigh. "Arthit, my friend.. please stop making a scene. You both are grown up now and you just met again after years, aren't you two planning to be civil for like.. I don't know.. maybe a day?"


Obviously, Prem had expected their response. Sometimes he wondered that his best friend and Kongpob might be soulmates in previous life. They both were born genius yet they bicker over the stupidest things. Well, Prem must admit it was kind of funny to watch. They often gave the same response and sometimes think alike too or maybe all genius people do like that? He didn't know. He wasn't born a genius like the two people in front of him who were still doing staring contests.

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