Chapter 3 Part 2 : your tourment begins

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Lol before i start, I am a simp. Something random i just needed and had to say


Red : Im back with the key, when i get you off the chains. Do. Not. attack. me.

* red would come towards you and get you off the chains *

Red : There, is that better sweetie?

Y/n : Okay first, do not call me sweetie.

Red : I do whatever i want, you dont have the level of power i do.

Y/n : I may not have that power but i do have this for kidnapping me

* you would try to punch red but he caught your hand and got angry *

Red : Was i not clear? I said DONT. ATTACK. ME

* he would pin you to bed and slap you across the face *

Red : Asshole.

Y/n : Littile bitch get off me

Red : Alright fine, Attack me again

* he pulls out a knife *

Red : You will just make things more worse for yourself

Y/n : Ugh,

* you would leave the room to walk around, you notice your walking around in the same placyou were at 2 days ago *

Y/n : This.. this place again. WAIT maybe i can find blue.

* you would walk around trying to find your blue gummy bear friend you trusted while being here *

Y/n : blue? Its me, the girl you meant like 2 days ago, Hello?

You would hear thumps come towards your loaction and there he was🤩

* blue runs up to you for a hug *

Blue : Oh my gosh! Your back! I thought you were gonna be gone forever! Are you staying here forever :0 ?

As he is very happy to see you

Y/n : No! Im not staying here forever but i will be here a while!

Blue : Aww! I wish you could stay here forever! Ill just enjoy it while your here! But what made you come back to stay here for a while? Is it the wonderful place it is here?

Y/n : No no no! Thats not the reason but its something else i dont wish to explain but if anything im glad to see ya!

Blue : Wow! You really mean it :0? After chasing after you and being forced to hurt you? Your glad to see me? :0

Y/n : Yeah.. besides the killing and all that i am

( Side note : Lol all the " ! " and " :0 " Arent something i ussally ( if the person who corrects my grammer sees this pls correct me if i spelt ussally wrong ) put in the story but it feels so crappy to write this with a crappy ass screen protecter that is dirty af😭😭😭 im taking it off before bed😤 but wow will this be the first clean page in the story? ( no swear words besides me just saying the a word) hope it is. ANYWAYS, continue the story✨️)

Blue : Wow thanks!

As blue lets go of you and takes you to everyone else accept for red

Blue : Come on! Lets go see everybody else!

Y/n : What if they dont like me and hate me from that.. espically the purple one

Blue : Im sure they wont hate you! Now lets get moving! :D

( Y/n's thought : Im pretty sure they will hate me blue but its not too late to make things right with them and the purple one for stabbing them. )

Y/n : Alright, Coming.

Your yandre lover~ ( Rainbow friends red x y/n ) X×DISCONTINUED×X Where stories live. Discover now